V.1 Then David 1732 said, 559-4 This [is] the house 1004 of the LORD 3068 God, 430 and this [is] the altar 4196 of the burnt offering 5930 for Israel. 3478

22:2 And David 1732 commanded 559-4 to gather together 3664-2 the strangers 1616 that [were] in the land 776 of Israel; 3478 and he set 5975-55 masons 2672-6 to hew 2672-2 wrought 1496 stones 68 to build 1129-2 the house 1004 of God. 430

22:3 And David 1732 prepared 3559-52 iron 1270 in abundance 7230 for the nails 4548 for the doors 1817 of the gates, 8179 and for the joinings; 4226 and brass 5178 in abundance 7230 without weight; 4948

22:4 Also cedar 730 trees 6086 in abundance: 369 4557 for the Zidonians 6722 and they of Tyre 6876 brought 935-52 much 7230 cedar 730 wood 6086 to David. 1732

22:5 And David 1732 said, 559-4 Solomon 8010 my son 1121 [is] young 5288 and tender, 7390 and the house 1004 [that is] to be builded 1129-2 for the LORD 3068 [must be] exceeding 4605 magnifical, 1431-53 of fame 8034 and of glory 8597 throughout all countries: 776 I will [therefore] now make preparation 3559-55 for it. So David 1732 prepared 3559-55 abundantly 7230 before 6440 his death. 4194

22:6 Then he called 7121-4 for Solomon 8010 his son, 1121 and charged 6680-17 him to build 1129-2 an house 1004 for the LORD 3068 God 430 of Israel. 3478

22:7 And David 1732 said 559-4 to Solomon, 8010 My son, 1121 as for me, it was in my mind 3824 to build 1129-2 an house 1004 unto the name 8034 of the LORD 3068 my God: 430

22:8 But the word 1697 of the LORD 3068 came to me, saying, 559-2 Thou hast shed 8210-1 blood 1818 abundantly, 7230 and hast made 6213-1 great 1419 wars: 4421 thou shalt not build 1129-4 an house 1004 unto my name, 8034 because thou hast shed 8210-1 much 7227 blood 1818 upon the earth 776 in my sight. 6440

22:9 Behold, a son 1121 shall be born 3205-12 to thee, who shall be a man 376 of rest; 4496 and I will give him rest 5117-52 from all his enemies 341-6 round about: 5439 for his name 8034 shall be Solomon, 8010 and I will give 5414-4 peace 7965 and quietness 8253 unto Israel 3478 in his days. 3117

22:10 He shall build 1129-4 an house 1004 for my name; 8034 and he shall be my son, 1121 and I [will be] his father; 1 and I will establish 3559-52 the throne 3678 of his kingdom 4438 over Israel 3478 for 5704 ever. 5769

22:11 Now, my son, 1121 the LORD 3068 be with thee; and prosper 6743-52 thou, and build 1129-1 the house 1004 of the LORD 3068 thy God, 430 as he hath said 1696-14 of thee.

22:12 Only the LORD 3068 give 5414-4 thee wisdom 7922 and understanding, 998 and give thee charge 6680-17 concerning Israel, 3478 that thou mayest keep 8104-2 the law 8451 of the LORD 3068 thy God. 430

22:13 Then shalt thou prosper, 6743-55 if thou takest heed 8104-4 to fulfil 6213-2 the statutes 2706 and judgments 4941 which the LORD 3068 charged 6680-14 Moses 4872 with concerning Israel: 3478 be strong, 2388-3 and of good courage; 553-3 dread 3372-4 not, nor be dismayed. 2865-11

22:14 Now, behold, in my trouble 6040 I have prepared 3559-52 for the house 1004 of the LORD 3068 an hundred 3967 thousand 505 talents 3603 of gold, 2091 and a thousand 505 thousand 505 talents 3603 of silver; 3701 and of brass 5178 and iron 1270 without weight; 4948 for it is in abundance: 7230 timber 6086 also and stone 68 have I prepared; 3559-52 and thou mayest add 3254-55 thereto.

22:15 Moreover [there are] workmen 6213-6 4399 with thee in abundance, 7230 hewers 2672-6 and workers 2796 of stone 68 and timber, 6086 and all manner of cunning men 2450 for every manner of work. 4399

22:16 Of the gold, 2091 the silver, 3701 and the brass, 5178 and the iron, 1270 [there is] no number. 4557 Arise 6965-3 [therefore], and be doing, 6213-3 and the LORD 3068 be with thee.

22:17 David 1732 also commanded 6680-17 all the princes 8269 of Israel 3478 to help 5826-2 Solomon 8010 his son, 1121 [saying],

22:18 [Is] not the LORD 3068 your God 430 with you? and hath he [not] given you rest 5117-52 on every side? 5439 for he hath given 5414-1 the inhabitants 3427-6 of the land 776 into mine hand; 3027 and the land 776 is subdued 3533-8 before 6440 the LORD, 3068 and before 6440 his people. 5971

22:19 Now set 5414-3 your heart 3824 and your soul 5315 to seek 1875-2 the LORD 3068 your God; 430 arise 6965-3 therefore, and build 1129-3 ye the sanctuary 4720 of the LORD 3068 God, 430 to bring 935-53 the ark 727 of the covenant 1285 of the LORD, 3068 and the holy 6944 vessels 3627 of God, 430 into the house 1004 that is to be built 1129-12 to the name 8034 of the LORD. 3068


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