V.1 These [are] the sons 1121 of Israel; 3478 Reuben, 7205 Simeon, 8095 Levi, 3878 and Judah, 3063 Issachar, 3485 and Zebulun, 2074

2:2 Dan, 1835 Joseph, 3130 and Benjamin, 1144 Naphtali, 5321 Gad, 1410 and Asher. 836

2:3 The sons 1121 of Judah; 3063 Er, 6147 and Onan, 209 and Shelah: 7956 [which] three 7969 were born 3205-8 unto him of the daughter of Shua 1323|7774|1340 the Canaanitess. 3669 And Er, 6147 the firstborn 1060 of Judah, 3063 was evil 7451 in the sight 5869 of the LORD; 3068 and he slew 4191-55 him.

2:4 And Tamar 8559 his daughter in law 3618 bare 3205-1 him Pharez 6557 and Zerah. 2226 All the sons 1121 of Judah 3063 [were] five. 2568

2:5 The sons 1121 of Pharez; 6557 Hezron, 2696 and Hamul. 2538

2:6 And the sons 1121 of Zerah; 2226 Zimri, 2174 and Ethan, 387 and Heman, 1968 and Calcol, 3633 and Dara: 1873 five 2568 of them in all.

2:7 And the sons 1121 of Carmi; 3756 Achar, 5917 the troubler 5916-6 of Israel, 3478 who transgressed 4603-1 in the thing accursed. 2764

2:8 And the sons 1121 of Ethan; 387 Azariah. 5838

2:9 The sons 1121 also of Hezron, 2696 that were born 3205-8 unto him; Jerahmeel, 3396 and Ram, 7410 and Chelubai. 3621

2:10 And Ram 7410 begat 3205-52 Amminadab; 5992 and Amminadab 5992 begat 3205-52 Nahshon, 5177 prince 5387 of the children 1121 of Judah; 3063

2:11 And Nahshon 5177 begat 3205-52 Salma, 8007 and Salma 8007 begat 3205-52 Boaz, 1162

2:12 And Boaz 1162 begat 3205-52 Obed, 5744 and Obed 5744 begat 3205-52 Jesse, 3448

2:13 And Jesse 3448 begat 3205-52 his firstborn 1060 Eliab, 446 and Abinadab 41 the second, 8145 and Shimma 8092 the third, 7992

2:14 Nethaneel 5417 the fourth, 7243 Raddai 7288 the fifth, 2549

2:15 Ozem 684 the sixth, 8345 David 1732 the seventh: 7637

2:16 Whose sisters 269 [were] Zeruiah, 6870 and Abigail. 26 And the sons 1121 of Zeruiah; 6870 Abishai, 52 and Joab, 3097 and Asahel, 6214 three. 7969

2:17 And Abigail 26 bare 3205-1 Amasa: 6021 and the father 1 of Amasa 6021 [was] Jether 3500 the Ishmeelite. 3459

2:18 And Caleb 3612 the son 1121 of Hezron 2696 begat 3205-52 [children] of 854 Azubah 5806 [his] wife, 802 and of Jerioth: 3408 her sons 1121 [are] these; Jesher, 3475 and Shobab, 7727 and Ardon. 715

2:19 And when Azubah 5806 was dead, 4191-4 Caleb 3612 took 3947-4 unto him Ephrath, 672 which bare 3205-4 him Hur. 2354

2:20 And Hur 2354 begat 3205-52 Uri, 221 and Uri 221 begat 3205-52 Bezaleel. 1212

2:21 And afterward 310 Hezron 2696 went in 935-1 to the daughter 1323 of Machir 4353 the father 1 of Gilead, 1568 whom he married 3947-1 when he [was] threescore 8346 years 8141 old; 1121 and she bare 3205-4 him Segub. 7687

2:22 And Segub 7687 begat 3205-52 Jair, 2971 who had three 7969 and twenty 6242 cities 5892 in the land 776 of Gilead. 1568

2:23 And he took 3947-4 Geshur, 1650 and Aram, 758 with the towns 2333 of Jair, 2971 from them, with Kenath, 7079 and the towns 1323 thereof, [even] threescore 8346 cities. 5892 All these [belonged to] the sons 1121 of Machir 4353 the father 1 of Gilead. 1568

2:24 And after 310 that Hezron 2696 was dead 4194 in Calebephratah, 3613 then Abiah 29 Hezron's 2696 wife 802 bare 3205-4 him Ashur 806 the father 1 of Tekoa. 8620

2:25 And the sons 1121 of Jerahmeel 3396 the firstborn 1060 of Hezron 2696 were, Ram 7410 the firstborn, 1060 and Bunah, 946 and Oren, 767 and Ozem, 684 [and] Ahijah. 281

2:26 Jerahmeel 3396 had also another 312 wife, 802 whose name 8034 [was] Atarah; 5851 she [was] the mother 517 of Onam. 208

2:27 And the sons 1121 of Ram 7410 the firstborn 1060 of Jerahmeel 3396 were, Maaz, 4619 and Jamin, 3226 and Eker. 6134

2:28 And the sons 1121 of Onam 208 were, Shammai, 8060 and Jada. 3047 And the sons 1121 of Shammai; 8060 Nadab, 5070 and Abishur. 51

2:29 And the name 8034 of the wife 802 of Abishur 51 [was] Abihail, 32 and she bare 3205-4 him Ahban, 257 and Molid. 4140

2:30 And the sons 1121 of Nadab; 5070 Seled, 5540 and Appaim: 649 but Seled 5540 died 4191-4 without children. 1121

2:31 And the sons 1121 of Appaim; 649 Ishi. 3469 And the sons 1121 of Ishi; 3469 Sheshan. 8348 And the children 1121 of Sheshan; 8348 Ahlai. 304

2:32 And the sons 1121 of Jada 3047 the brother 251 of Shammai; 8060 Jether, 3500 and Jonathan: 3129 and Jether 3500 died 4191-4 without children. 1121

2:33 And the sons 1121 of Jonathan; 3129 Peleth, 6431 and Zaza. 2117 These were the sons 1121 of Jerahmeel. 3396

2:34 Now Sheshan 8348 had no sons, 1121 but daughters. 1323 And Sheshan 8348 had a servant, 5650 an Egyptian, 4713 whose name 8034 [was] Jarha. 3398

2:35 And Sheshan 8348 gave 5414-4 his daughter 1323 to Jarha 3398 his servant 5650 to wife; 802 and she bare 3205-4 him Attai. 6262

2:36 And Attai 6262 begat 3205-52 Nathan, 5416 and Nathan 5416 begat 3205-52 Zabad, 2066

2:37 And Zabad 2066 begat 3205-52 Ephlal, 654 and Ephlal 654 begat 3205-52 Obed, 5744

2:38 And Obed 5744 begat 3205-52 Jehu, 3058 and Jehu 3058 begat 3205-52 Azariah, 5838

2:39 And Azariah 5838 begat 3205-52 Helez, 2503 and Helez 2503 begat 3205-52 Eleasah, 501

2:40 And Eleasah 501 begat 3205-52 Sisamai, 5581 and Sisamai 5581 begat 3205-52 Shallum, 7967

2:41 And Shallum 7967 begat 3205-52 Jekamiah, 3359 and Jekamiah 3359 begat 3205-52 Elishama. 476

2:42 Now the sons 1121 of Caleb 3612 the brother 251 of Jerahmeel 3396 [were], Mesha 4337 his firstborn, 1060 which was the father 1 of Ziph; 2128 and the sons 1121 of Mareshah 4762 the father 1 of Hebron. 2275

2:43 And the sons 1121 of Hebron; 2275 Korah, 7141 and Tappuah, 8599 and Rekem, 7552 and Shema. 8087

2:44 And Shema 8087 begat 3205-52 Raham, 7357 the father 1 of Jorkoam: 3421 and Rekem 7552 begat 3205-52 Shammai. 8060

2:45 And the son 1121 of Shammai 8060 [was] Maon: 4584 and Maon 4584 [was] the father 1 of Bethzur. 1049

2:46 And Ephah, 5891 Caleb's 3612 concubine, 6370 bare 3205-1 Haran, 2771 and Moza, 4162 and Gazez: 1495 and Haran 2771 begat 3205-52 Gazez. 1495

2:47 And the sons 1121 of Jahdai; 3056 Regem, 7276 and Jotham, 3147 and Geshan, 1529 and Pelet, 6404 and Ephah, 5891 and Shaaph. 8174

2:48 Maachah, 4601 Caleb's 3612 concubine, 6370 bare 3205-1 Sheber, 7669 and Tirhanah. 8647

2:49 She bare 3205-4 also Shaaph 8174 the father 1 of Madmannah, 4089 Sheva 7724 the father 1 of Machbenah, 4343 and the father 1 of Gibea: 1388 and the daughter 1323 of Caleb 3612 [was] Achsah. 5915

2:50 These were the sons 1121 of Caleb 3612 the son 1121 of Hur, 2354 the firstborn 1060 of Ephratah; 672 Shobal 7732 the father 1 of Kirjathjearim, 7157

2:51 Salma 8007 the father 1 of Bethlehem, 1035 Hareph 2780 the father 1 of Bethgader. 1013

2:52 And Shobal 7732 the father 1 of Kirjathjearim 7157 had sons; 1121 Haroeh, 7204 [and] half 2677 of the Manahethites. 2679

2:53 And the families 4940 of Kirjathjearim; 7157 the Ithrites, 3505 and the Puhites, 6336 and the Shumathites, 8126 and the Mishraites; 4954 of them came 3318-1 the Zareathites, 6882 and the Eshtaulites. 848

2:54 The sons 1121 of Salma; 8007 Bethlehem, 1035 and the Netophathites, 5200 Ataroth, the house of Joab, 5852|1004|3097|5854 and half 2677 of the Manahethites, 2680 the Zorites. 6882

2:55 And the families 4940 of the scribes 5608-6 which dwelt 3427-6|3427-1-k at Jabez; 3258 the Tirathites, 8654 the Shimeathites, 8101 [and] Suchathites. 7756 These 1992 [are] the Kenites 7017 that came 935-6 of Hemath, 2575 the father 1 of the house 1004 of Rechab. 7394


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