V.1 So they brought 935-55 the ark 727 of God, 430 and set 3322-55 it in the midst 8432 of the tent 168 that David 1732 had pitched 5186-1 for it: and they offered 7126-55 burnt sacrifices 5930 and peace offerings 8002 before 6440 God. 430

16:2 And when David 1732 had made an end 3615-17 of offering 5927-53 the burnt offerings 5930 and the peace offerings, 8002 he blessed 1288-17 the people 5971 in the name 8034 of the LORD. 3068

16:3 And he dealt 2505-17 to every one 376 of Israel, 3478 both man 376 and woman, 802 to every one 376 a loaf 3603 of bread, 3899 and a good piece 829 of flesh, and a flagon 809 [of wine].

16:4 And he appointed 5414-4 [certain] of the Levites 3881 to minister 8334-18 before 6440 the ark 727 of the LORD, 3068 and to record, 2142-53 and to thank 3034-53 and praise 1984- 15 the LORD 3068 God 430 of Israel: 3478

16:5 Asaph 623 the chief, 7218 and next 4932 to him Zechariah, 2148 Jeiel, 3273 and Shemiramoth, 8070 and Jehiel, 3171 and Mattithiah, 4993 and Eliab, 446 and Benaiah, 1141 and Obededom: 5654 and Jeiel 3273 with 3627 psalteries 5035 and with harps; 3658 but Asaph 623 made a sound 8085-56 with cymbals; 4700

16:6 Benaiah 1141 also and Jahaziel 3166 the priests 3548 with trumpets 2689 continually 8548 before 6440 the ark 727 of the covenant 1285 of God. 430

16:7 Then on that day 3117 David 1732 delivered 5414-1 first 7218 [this psalm] to thank 3034-53 the LORD 3068 into the hand 3027 of Asaph 623 and his brethren. 251

16:8 Give thanks 3034-54 unto the LORD, 3068 call 7121-3 upon his name, 8034 make known 3045-54 his deeds 5949 among the people. 5971

16:9 Sing 7891-3 unto him, sing psalms 2167-16 unto him, talk 7878-3 ye of all his wondrous works. 6381-12

16:10 Glory 1984-100 ye in his holy 6944 name: 8034 let the heart 3820 of them rejoice 8055-4 that seek 1245-18 the LORD. 3068

16:11 Seek 1875-3 the LORD 3068 and his strength, 5797 seek 1245-16 his face 6440 continually. 8548

16:12 Remember 2142-3 his marvellous works 6381-12 that he hath done, 6213-1 his wonders, 4159 and the judgments 4941 of his mouth; 6310

16:13 O ye seed 2233 of Israel 3478 his servant, 5650 ye children 1121 of Jacob, 3290 his chosen ones. 972

16:14 He [is] the LORD 3068 our God; 430 his judgments 4941 [are] in all the earth. 776

16:15 Be ye mindful 2142-3 always 5769 of his covenant; 1285 the word 1697 [which] he commanded 6680-14 to a thousand 505 generations; 1755

16:16 [Even of the covenant] which he made 3772-1 with Abraham, 85 and of his oath 7621 unto Isaac; 3327

16:17 And hath confirmed 5975-55 the same to Jacob 3290 for a law, 2706 [and] to Israel 3478 [for] an everlasting 5769 covenant, 1285

16:18 Saying, 559-2 Unto thee will I give 5414-4 the land 776 of Canaan, 3667 the lot 2256 of your inheritance; 5159

16:19 When ye were but few, 4557 4962 even a few, 4592 and strangers 1481-6 in it.

16:20 And [when] they went 1980-101 from nation 1471 to nation, 1471 and from [one] kingdom 4467 to another 312 people; 5971

16:21 He suffered 3240-52 no man 376 to do them wrong: 6231-2 yea, he reproved 3198-55 kings 4428 for their sakes,

16:22 [Saying], Touch 5060-4 not mine anointed, 4899 and do my prophets 5030 no harm. 7489-55

16:23 Sing 7891-3 unto the LORD, 3068 all the earth; 776 shew forth 1319-16 from day 3117 to day 3117 his salvation. 3444

16:24 Declare 5608-16 his glory 3519 among the heathen; 1471 his marvellous works 6381-12 among all nations. 5971

16:25 For great 1419 [is] the LORD, 3068 and greatly 3966 to be praised: 1984-30 he also [is] to be feared 3372-12 above all gods. 430

16:26 For all the gods 430 of the people 5971 [are] idols: 457 but the LORD 3068 made 6213-1 the heavens. 8064

16:27 Glory 1935 and honour 1926 [are] in his presence; 6440 strength 5797 and gladness 2304 [are] in his place. 4725

16:28 Give 3051-3 unto the LORD, 3068 ye kindreds 4940 of the people, 5971 give 3051-3 unto the LORD 3068 glory 3519 and strength. 5797

16:29 Give 3051-3 unto the LORD 3068 the glory 3519 [due] unto his name: 8034 bring 5375-3 an offering, 4503 and come 935-3 before 6440 him: worship 7812-100 the LORD 3068 in the beauty 1927 of holiness. 6944

16:30 Fear 2342-3 before 6440 him, all the earth: 776 the world 8398 also shall be stable, 3559-11 that it be not moved. 4131-11

16:31 Let the heavens 8064 be glad, 8055-4 and let the earth 776 rejoice: 1523-4 and let [men] say 559-4 among the nations, 1471 The LORD 3068 reigneth. 4427-1

16:32 Let the sea 3220 roar, 7481-4 and the fulness 4393 thereof: let the fields 7704 rejoice, 5970-4 and all that [is] therein.

16:33 Then shall the trees 6086 of the wood 3293 sing out 7442-17 at the presence 6440 of the LORD, 3068 because he cometh 935-1 to judge 8199-2 the earth. 776

16:34 O give thanks 3034-54 unto the LORD; 3068 for [he is] good; 2896 for his mercy 2617 [endureth] for ever. 5769

16:35 And say 559-3 ye, Save 3467-54 us, O God 430 of our salvation, 3468 and gather us together, 6908-16 and deliver 5337-54 us from the heathen, 1471 that we may give thanks 3034-53 to thy holy 6944 name, 8034 [and] glory 7623-99 in thy praise. 8416

16:36 Blessed 1288-7 [be] the LORD 3068 God 430 of Israel 3478 for ever 5769 and ever. 5769 And all the people 5971 said, 559-4 Amen, 543 and praised 1984-15 the LORD. 3068

16:37 So he left 5800-4 there before 6440 the ark 727 of the covenant 1285 of the LORD 3068 Asaph 623 and his brethren, 251 to minister 8334-15 before 6440 the ark 727 continually, 8548 as every day's 3117 3117 work 1697 required:

16:38 And Obededom 5654 with their brethren, 251 threescore 8346 and eight; 8083 Obededom 5654 also the son 1121 of Jeduthun 3038 and Hosah 2621 [to be] porters: 7778

16:39 And Zadok 6659 the priest, 3548 and his brethren 251 the priests, 3548 before 6440 the tabernacle 4908 of the LORD 3068 in the high place 1116 that [was] at Gibeon, 1391

16:40 To offer 5927-53 burnt offerings 5930 unto the LORD 3068 upon the altar 4196 of the burnt offering 5930 continually 8548 morning 1242 1242 and evening, 6153 and [to do] according to all that is written 3789-7 in the law 8451 of the LORD, 3068 which he commanded 6680-14 Israel; 3478

16:41 And with them Heman 1968 and Jeduthun, 3038 and the rest 7605 that were chosen, 1305-7 who were expressed 5344-8 by name, 8034 to give thanks 3034-53 to the LORD, 3068 because his mercy 2617 [endureth] for ever; 5769

16:42 And with them Heman 1968 and Jeduthun 3038 with trumpets 2689 and cymbals 4700 for those that should make a sound, 8085-56 and with musical 7892 instruments 3627 of God. 430 And the sons 1121 of Jeduthun 3038 [were] porters. 8179

16:43 And all the people 5971 departed 3212-4 every man 376 to his house: 1004 and David 1732 returned 5437-11 to bless 1288-15 his house. 1004


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