* Shihor-libnah, blackness of Libnah

* Shilhi, Shilhim, bough; weapon; armor

* Shillem, peace; perfection; retribution

* Shiloah, same as Siloah

* Shiloh, sent

* Shiloh (name of a city), peace; abundance

* Shilom, tarrying; peace-maker

* Shilshah, three; chief; captain

* Shimeah, Shimeath, that hears, or obeys; perdition

* Shimei, Shimi, that hears or obeys; my reputation; my fame

* Shimeon, same as Simeon

* Shimma, same as Shimeah

* Shimon, providing well; fatness; oil

* Shimrath, hearing; obedient

* Shimshai, my son

* Shimri, thorn; dregs

* Shimrith, Shimron, same as Shimri

* Shinab, father of changing

* Shinar, watch of him that sleeps

* Shiphi, multitude

* Shiphrah, handsome; trumpet; that does good

* Shisha, of marble; pleasant

* Shishak, present of the bag; of the pot; of the thigh

* Shitrai, gatherer of money

* Shittim, thorns

* Shiza, this gift

* Shoa, kings; tyrants

* Shobab, returned; turned back; a spark

* Shobach, your bonds; your chains

* Shobai, turning captivity

* Shobal, path; ear of corn

* Shobek, made void; forsaken

* Shochoh, defense; a bough

* Shoham, keeping back

* Shomer, keeper; dregs

* Shophach, pouring out

* Shophan, rabbit; hid

* Shoshannim, those that shall be changed

* Shua, crying; saving

* Shuah, ditch; swimming; humiliation

* Shual, fox; path; first

* Shubael, returning captivity; seat of God

* Shuham, talking; thinking; humiliation; budding

* Shulamite, peaceable; perfect; that recompenses

* Shunem, their change; their sleep

* Shuni, changed; sleeping

* Shuphim, Shuppim, wearing them out; their shore

* Shur, wall; ox; that beholds

* Shushan, lily; rose; joy

* Shuthelah, plant; verdure; moist; pot

* Sia, moving; help

* Sibbechai, bough; cottage; of springs

* Sibmah, conversion; captivity

* Sichem, portion; shoulder

* Siddim, the tilled field

* Sidon, hunting; fishing; venison

* Sigionoth, according to variable songs or tunes,

* Sihon, rooting out; conclusion

* Sihor, black; trouble (the river Nile)

* Silas, three, or the third

* Silla, exalting

* Siloa, Siloam, Siloe, same as Shilhi

* Silvanus, who loves the forest

* Simeon, that hears or obeys; that is heard

* Simon, that hears; that obeys

* Sin, bush

* Sinai, a bush; enmity

* Sinim, south country,

* Sion, noise; tumult

* Sippai, threshold; silver cup

* Sinon, a breast-plate; deliverance

* Sisamai, house; blindness

* Sisera, that sees a horse or a swallow

* Sitnah, hatred


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