* Myra, I flow; pour out; weep

* Mysia, criminal; abominable

* N

* Naam, fair; pleasant

* Naamah, Naaman, beautiful; agreeable

* Naarah, Naarai, young person

* Naashon, that foretells; that conjectures

* Nabal, fool; senseless

* Naboth, words; prophecies

* Nachon, ready; sure

* Nachor, same as Nahor

* Nadab, free and voluntary gift; prince

* Nagge, clearness; brightness; light

* Nahaliel, inheritance; valley of God

* Nahallal, praised; bright

* Naham, Nahamani, comforter; leader

* Naharai, my nostrils; hot; anger

* Nahash, snake; serpent

* Nahath, rest; a leader

* Nahbi, very secret

* Nahor, hoarse; dry; hot

* Nahshon, same as Naashon

* Nahum, comforter; repentant

* Nain, beauty; pleasantness

* Naioth, beauties; habitations

* Naomi, beautiful; agreeable

* Naphish, the soul; he that rests, refreshes himself, or respires

* Naphtali, that struggles or fights

* Narcissus, astonishment; stupidity

* Nason, helper; entry-way

* Nathan, given; giving; rewarded

* Nathanael, the gift of God

* Nathan-melech, the gift of the king, or of counsel

* Naum, same as Nahum

* Nazareth, separated; crowned; sanctified

* Nazarite, one chosen or set apart

* Neah, moved; moving

* Neapolis, the new city

* Neariah, child of the Lord

* Nebai, budding; speaking; prophesying

* Nebaioth, words; prophecies; buds

* Neballat, prophecy; budding

* Nebat, that beholds

* Nebo, that speaks or prophesies

* Nebuchadnezzar, Nebuchadrezzar, tears and groans of judgment

* Nebushasi_hahban, speech; prophecy; springing; flowing

* Nebuzar-adan, fruits or prophecies of judgment

* Necho, lame; beaten

* Nedabiah, prince or vow of the Lord

* Neginoth, stringed instruments

* Nehelamite, dreamer; vale; brook

* Nehemiah, comfort; repentance of the Lord

* Nehum, comforter; repentant

* Nehushta, made of brass

* Nehushtan, a trifling thing of brass

* Neiel, commotion, or moving, of God

* Nekoda, painted; inconstant

* Nemuel, the sleeping of God

* Nepheg, weak; slacked

* Nephish, same as Naphish

* Nephishesim, diminished; torn in pieces

* Nephthalim, same as Naphtali

* Nephthoah, opening; open

* Nephusim, same as Nephishesim

* Ner, a lamp; new-tilled land

* Nereus, same as Ner

* Nergal, the great man; the hero

* Nergal-sharezer, treasurer of Nergal

* Neri, my light

* Neriah, light; lamp of the Lord

* Nethaneel, same as Nathanael

* Nethaniah, the gift of the Lord

* Nethinims, given or offered


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