* Joram, to cast; elevated

* Jordan, the river of judgment

* Jorim, he that exalts the Lord

* Josabad, having a dowry

* Josaphat, same as Jehoshaphat

* Jose, raised; who pardons

* Joseph, increase; addition

* Joses, same as Jose

* Joshah, being; forgetting; owing

* Joshaviah, the seat, alteration, or captivity of the Lord

* Joshbekesha, it is requiring or beseeching

* Joshua, a savior; a deliverer

* Josiah, the Lord burns; the fire of the Lord

* Josibiah, the seat, or captivity of the Lord

* Josiphiah, increase of the Lord; the Lord's finishing

* Jotham, the perfection of the Lord

* Jothath, Jothatha, his goodness

* Jozabad, same as Josabad

* Jozachar, remembering; of the male sex

* Jubal, he that runs; a trumpet

* Jucal, mighty; perfect

* Judah, the praise of the Lord; confession

* Judas, Jude, same as Judah

* Judaea, Judea, same as Judah

* Judith, same as Judah

* Julia, downy; soft and tender hair

* Julius, same as Julia

* Junia, youth

* Jupiter, the father that helpeth

* Jushabhesed, dwelling-place; change of mercy

* Justus, just or upright

* Juttah, turning away

* K

* Kabzeel, the congregation of God

* Kadesh, holiness

* Kadesh-barnea, holiness of an inconstant son

* Kadmiel, God of antiquity; God of rising

* Kadmonites, ancients; chiefs

* Kallai, light; resting by fire; my voice

* Kanah, of reeds

* Kareah, bald; ice

* Karkaa, floor; dissolving coldness

* Karkor, they rested

* Karnaim, horns

* Kartah, calling; meeting

* Kedar, blackness; sorrow

* Kedemah, oriental; ancient; first

* Kedemoth, antiquity; old age

* Kehelahath, a whole; a congregation

* Keiiah, she that divides or cuts

* Kelaiah, voice of the Lord; gathering together

* Kelitah, same as Kelaiah

* Kemuel, God hath raised up, or established him

* Kenah, buying; possession

* Kenan, buyer; owner

* Kenaz, this purchase; this lamentation

* Kenites, possession; purchase; lamentation

* Kenizzites, possession; purchase

* Keren-happuch, the horn or child of beauty

* Kerioth, the cities; the callings

* Keros, crooked; crookedness

* Keturah, that makes the incense to fume

* Kezia, superficies; the angle; cassia

* Keziz, end; extremity

* Kibroth-hattaavah, the graves of lust

* Kibzaim, congregation

* Kidron, obscure; making black or sad

* Kinah, same as Kenah

* Kir, a city; wall; meeting

* Kirharaseth, Kirharesh, city of the sun; wall of burnt brick

* Kirioth, same as Kerioth

* Kirjath, city; vocation; meeting

* Kirjathaim, the two cities; callings; or meetings


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