* Helon, window; grief

* Heman, their trouble; tumult; much; in great number

* Hen, grace; quiet; rest

* Hena, troubling

* Henadad, grace of the beloved

* Henoch, same as Enoch

* Hepher, a digger

* Hephzibah, my delight is in her

* Heres, the son; an earthen pot

* Heresh, a carpenter

* Hermas, Hermes, Mercury; gain; refuge

* Hermogenes, begotten of Mercury

* Hermon, anathema; devoted to destruction

* Herod, son of a hero

* Herodion, the song of Juno

* Heshbon, invention; industry

* Heshmon, a hasty messenger

* Heth, trembling; fear

* Hethlon, a fearful dwelling

* Hezekiah, strength of the Lord

* Hezer, Hezir, a bog; converted

* Hezrai, an entry or vestibule

* Hezron, the dart of joy; the division of the song

* Hiddai, a praise; a cry

* Hiddekel; sharp voice; sound

* Hiel, God lives; the life of God

* Hierapolis, holy city

* Higgaion, meditation; consideration

* Hilen, a window; grief

* Hilkiah, God is my portion

* Hillel, he that praises

* Hinnom, there they are; their riches

* Hirah, liberty; anger

* Hiram, exaltation of life; a destroyer

* Hittite, one who is broken; who fears

* Hivites, wicked; wickedness

* Hizkijah, the strength of the Lord

* Hobab, favored; beloved

* Hobah, love; friendship; secrecy

* Hod, praise; confession

* Hodaiah, the praise of the Lord

* Hodaviah, Hodiah, Hodijah, same as Hodaiah

* Hodesh, a table; news

* Hoglah, his festival or dance

* Hoham, woe to them

* Holon, a window; grief

* Homam, making an uproar

* Hophin, he that covers; my fist

* Hor, who conceives, or shows; a hill

* Horam, their hill

* Horeb, desert; solitude; destruction

* Horem, an offering dedicated to God

* Hor-hagidgad, the hill of felicity

* Hori, a prince; freeborn

* Horims, princes; being angry

* Hormah, devoted or consecrated to God; utter destruction

* Horonaim, angers; ragings

* Horonites, men of anger, or of fury, or of liberty

* Hosah, trusting

* Hosanna, save I pray thee; keep; preserve

* Hosea, Hoshea, savior; safety

* Hoshaiah, the salvation of the Lord

* Hoshama, heard; he obeys

* Hotham, a seal

* Hothir, excelling; remaining

* Hukkok, engraver; scribe; lawyer

* Hul, pain; infirmity

* Huldah, the world

* Hupham, their chamber; their bank

* Huppim, a chamber covered; the sea-shore

* Hur, liberty; whiteness; hole

* Huram, their liberty; their whiteness; their hole


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