The prophet opens this chapter with ardent prayers that the happy period of reconciliation just now promised, and here again foretold, may be hastened, 1-5. He then calls upon the faithful, particularly the priests and Levites, to join him, urging the promises, and even the oath, of Jehovah, as the foundation of their request, 6-9. And, relying on this oath, he goes on to speak of the general restoration promised, as already performing; and calls to the people to march forth, and to the various nations among whom they are dispersed to prepare the way for them, as God had caused the order for their return to be universally proclaimed, 10-12.


Verse 1. For Zion's sake will I not hold my peace] These are the words of JEHOVAH declaring his purpose relative to the events predicted in the preceding chapter.

Thou shalt be called by a new name] Viz., CHRISTIAN-or, as in the fourth verse, hb yxpj chephtsi bah, "my delight is in her "-because she has now received that command, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; HEAR HIM."

Verse 4. Thy land Beulah] hlw[b beulah, married. In the prophets, a desolate land is represented under the notion of a widow; an inhabited land, under that of a married woman, who has both a husband and children.

Verse 5. For as a young man-so] The particles of comparison are not at present in the Hebrew Text: but the Septuaptnt, Syriac, and Chaldee seem to have read in their copies k caph prefixed to the verb, l[byk yk ki keyibal which seems to have been omitted by mistake of a transcriber, occasioned by the repetition of the same two letters. And before the verb in the second line a MS. adds ╡k ken, so; which the Septuagint, Syriac, and Chaldee seem also to have had in their copies. In the third line of this verse the same MS. has in like manner ìwìmkw vechimsos, and two MSS.

and the Babylonish Talmud ìwìmk kimsos, adding the k caph; and in the fourth line, the Babylonish Talmud likewise adds k ken, so, before the verb.

Sir John Chardin, in his note on this place, tells us, "that it is the custom in the east for youths, that were never married, always to marry virgins; and widowers, however young, to marry widows." -HARMER, Observ. ii. p. 482.

So shall thy sons marry thee.] For √ynb banayich, thy sons, Bishop Lowth reads, restorer or builder, as he does not consider the word as the plural of b ben, a son, but the participle benoni of the verb hnb banah, he built. I do not see that we gain much by this translation. Thy sons shall dwell in thee, Vulgate; and so the Septuagint and Chaldee.

Verse 6. Ye that make mention of the Lord, keep not silence] The faithful, and in particular the priests and Levites, are exhorted by the prophet to beseech God with unremitted importunity (compare Luke xviii. 1, &c.) to hasten the redemption of Sion. The image in this place is taken from the temple service; in which there was appointed a constant watch, day and night, by the Levites: and among them this seems to have belonged particularly to the singers, see 1 Chron. ix. 33. Now the watches in the east, even to this day, are performed by a loud cry from time to time of the watchmen, to mark the time, and that very frequently, and in order to show that they themselves are constantly attentive to their duty. Hence the watchmen are said by the prophet, chap. lii. 8, to lift up thetr voice; and here they are commanded, not to keep stlence; and the greatest reproach to them is, that they are dumb dogs; they cannot bark; dreamers; sluggards, loving to slumber, chap. lvi. 10. "The watchmen in the camp of the caravans go their rounds crying one after another, 'God is one, he is merciful:' and often add, 'Take heed to yourselves.' " TAVERNIER, Voyage de Perse, liv. i. chap. x. The hundred and thirty-fourth Psalm gives us an example of the temple watch. The whole Psalms is nothing more than the alternate cry of two different divisions of the watch. The first watch addresses the second, reminding them of their duty; the second answers by a solemn blessing. The address and the answer seem both to be a set form, which each division proclaimed, or sung aloud, at stated intervals, to notify the time of the night:- FIRST CHORUS "Come on now, bless ye JEHOVAH, all ye servants of JEHOVAH; Ye that stand in the house of JEHOVAH in the nights; Lift up your hands towards the sanctuary, And bless ye JEHOVAH." SECOND CHORUS "JEHOVAH bless thee out of Sion; He that made heaven and earth."Ye who stand in the place of the watch, in the house of the sanctuary of the Lord; and ye praise through the nights; "-says the Chaldee paraphrase on the second line. And this explains what is here particularly meant by proclaiming, or making remembrance of, the name of JEHOVAH: the form, which the watch made use of on these occasions, was always a short sentence, expressing some pious sentiment, of which JEHOVAH was the subject; and it is remarkable, that the custom in the east in this respect also still continues the very same; as appears by the example above given from Tavernier.

And this observation leads to the explanation of an obscure passage in the Prophet Malachi, chap. ii. 12.

"JEHOVAH will cut off the man that doeth this; The watchman and the answerer, from the tabernacles of Jacob; And him that presenteth an offering to JEHOVAH God of hosts." hn[w r[ er veoneh, the master and the scholar, says our translation, after the Vulgate: the son and the grandson, says the Syriac and Chaldee, as little to the purpose: Arias Montanus has given it vigilantem et respondentem, "the watchman and the answerer; " that is, the Levite and "him that presenteth an offering to JEHOVAH, "that is, the priest. - L. Ye that make mention of the Lord, keep not silence. Is not this clause an address to the ministers of Christ, to continue in supplication for the conversion of the Jewish people? Kimchi seems to think that the watchmen are the interceding angels!

Verse 9. But they that have gathered it shall eat it, and praise the Lord] This and the following line have reference to the law of Moses: "Thou mayest not eat within thy gates the tithe of thy corn, or of thy wine, or of thy oil; but thou must eat them before the Lord thy God, in the place which the Lord thy God shall choose, "Deut. xii. 17, 18. "And when ye shall come into the land, and shall have planted all manner of trees for food, then ye shall count the fruit thereof as uncircumcised: three years it shall be as uncircumcised unto you; it shall not be eaten of. But in the fourth year all the fruit thereof shall be holy to praise the Lord withal.

And in the fifth year ye shall eat the fruit thereof, "Leviticus xix. 23-25.

This clearly explains the force of the expressions, "shall praise JEHOVAH, "and "shall drink it in my sacred courts." Five MSS., one ancient, have whwlkay yocheluhu, they shall eat it, fully expressed: and so likewise whwtìy yishtuhu, they shall drink it, is found in nineteen MSS., three of them ancient. - L.

Verse 10. Of the people "For the people"] Before the word ╡[h haam, the people, two MSS. insert hwhy Yehovah; one MS. adds the same word after; and eight MSS., three ancient, instead of ╡[h haam, have hwhy Yehovvah, and so likewise one edition. But though it makes a good sense either way, I believe it to be an interpolation, as the ancient Versions do not favour it. The Septuagint indeed read ym[ ammi, my people. - L.

Verse 11. Unto the end of the world-┼rah hxq la el ketseh haarets-Instead of la el, to, d[ ad, UNTO, is the reading of two of Kennicott's MSS.; and one of mine has hxqm mikketseh, "FROM the end of the earth." Behold, thy salvation cometh "Lo, thy saviour cometh"] So all the ancient Versions render the word √[ìy yishech.

Behold, his reward] See note on chap. xl. 10, 11. This reward he carries as it were in his hand. His work is before him-he perfectly knows what is to be done; and is perfectly able to do it. He will do what God should do, and what man cannot do; and men should be workers with him. Let no man fear that the promise shall not be fulfilled on account of its difficulty, its greatness, the hinderances in the way, or the unworthiness of the person to whom it is made. It is God's work; he is able to do it, and as willing as he is able.

Verse 12. They shall call them-These characteristics seem to be put in their inverted order. - 1. God will not forsake them. 2. They shall be sought out. 3. They shall be redeemed. And, 4. Be in consequence a holy people. 1. When God calls, it is a proof that he has not forsaken. 2. When he seeks, it is a proof he is waiting to be gracious. 3. When the atonement is exhibited, all things are then ready. 4. And when that is received, holiness of heart and life is then to be kept continually in view, as this is the genuine work of God's Spirit; and without holiness none shall see the Lord.


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