132:1 A Song of the going up. Lord, give thought to David, and to all his troubles;

132:2 How he made an oath to the Lord, and gave his word to the great God of Jacob, saying,

132:3 Truly, I will not come into my house, or go to my bed,

132:4 I will not give sleep to my eyes, or rest to my eyeballs,

132:5 Till I have got a place for the Lord, a resting-place for the great God of Jacob.

132:6 We had news of it at Ephrathah: we came to it in the fields of the wood.

132:7 Let us go into his tent; let us give worship at his feet.

132:8 Come back, O Lord, to your resting-place; you and the ark of your strength.

132:9 Let your priests be clothed with righteousness; and let your saints give cries of joy.

132:10 Because of your servant David, do not give up your king.

132:11 The Lord gave a true oath to David, which he will not take back, saying, I will give your kingdom to the fruit of your body.

132:12 If your children keep my word, and the teachings which I will give them, their children will be rulers of your kingdom for ever.

132:13 For the Lord's heart is on Zion, desiring it for his resting-place.

132:14 This is my rest for ever: here will I ever be; for this is my desire.

132:15 My blessing will be on her food; and her poor will be full of bread.

132:16 Her priests will be clothed with salvation; and her saints will give cries of joy.

132:17 There I will make the horn of David fertile: I have made ready a light for my king.

132:18 His haters will be clothed with shame; but I will make his crown shining.


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