:%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :% %: :% AT&T FORGERY %: :% Written by The Blue Buccaneer %: :% %: :% CALL THE EVERLASTING SPEED DEMON BBS AT (415) / 522 - 3074 %: :% %: :%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: Here is a very simple way to either: [1] Play an incredibly creul and realistic joke on a phreaking friend. -OR- [2] Provide yourself with everything you ever wanted to be an AT&T person. All you need to do is get your hands on some AT&T paper and/or business cards. To do this you can either go down to your local business office and swipe a few or call up somewhere like WATS INFORMATION and ask them to send you their information package. They will send you: 1. A nice letter (with the AT&T logo/letterhead) saying "Here is the info." 2. A business card (again with AT&T) saying who the sales representative is. 3. A very nice color booklet telling you all about WATS lines. 4. Various billing information. (Discard as it is very worthless) Now take the piece of AT&T paper and the AT&T business card down to your local print/copy shop. Tell them to run you off several copies of each, but to leave out whatever else is printed on the business card/letter. If they refuse or ask why, take your precious business elsewhere. (This should only cost you around $2.00 total) Now take the copies home and either with your typewriter, MAC, or Fontrix, add whatever name, address, telephone number, etc. you like. (I would recomm- end just changing the name on the card and using whatever information was on there earlier) And there you have official AT&T letters and business cards. As mentioned earlier, you can use them in several ways. Mail a nice letter to someone you hate (on AT&T paper..hehehe) saying that AT&T is onto them or something like that. (Be sure to use correct English and spelling) (Also do not hand write the letter! Use a typewriter! - Not Fontrix as AT&T doesn't use OLD ENGLISH or ASCII BOLD when they type letters. Any IBM typewriter will do perfectly) Another possible use (of many, I guess) is (if you are old enough to look the part) to use the business card as some sort of fake id. The last example of uses for the fake AT&T letters & b.cards is mentioned in my textfile, BASIC RADIO CALLING. Briefly, send the station a letter that reads: WCAT - FM202: (Like my examples? Haha!) (As you probably know, radio stations give away things by accepting the 'x' call. (ie: The tenth caller through wins a pair of Van Halen tickets) Sometimes they may ask a trivia question, but that's your problem. Anyway, the letter continues:) (You basicly say that they have become so popular that they are getting too many calls at once from listeners trying to win tickets. By asking them to call all at the same time is overloading our systems. We do, of course, have means of handling these sort of matters, but it would require you sending us a schedule of when you will be asking your listeners to call in. That way we would be able to set our systems to handle the amount of callers you get at peak times..(etc..etc..more BS..But you get the idea, right?) Joseph Hakimout AT&T Telecommunications East Bumblefuck, Nowheresville 55555 Ok, so it probably won't work (DJs just aren't that dumb, unless you really do live in Nowheresville), but using AT&T paper and a business card might up your chances some. :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-: -TBB [March 15, 1985]