Bitmap Parade Screen Saver Version 1.0 Screen Saver for Windows 95 or Windows NT 3.5.1 and above Installation CHANGE THE CURRENT DIRECTORY TO THE DIRECTORY THAT CONTAINS THE SETUP PROGRAMS AND THE COMPRESSED FIELS ( *.??_ ). Run "SETUP.EXE" to install Bitmap Parade Screen Saver =========================================================================== Qustions and Installation Support: Iambic Software, Inc. 6607 W 77 ST Overland Park, Ks 66204-3143 e-mail: =========================================================================== DISCLAIMER: Use Bitmap Parade Screen Saver at your own risk. The author does not warrant the suitability of Bitmap Parade Screen Saver for any specific purpose, and assumes no responsibility for damages of any kind resulting from its use. Use of these programs for any period of time constitutes your assumed acceptance of this agreement. W A R N I N G If you use the password protection option, you MUST remember your password! Bitmap Parade Screen Saver will appear after the time you specified in the Control Panel desktop function. If you forget your password you will have to boot your computer to regain control. All work not saved before rebooting will be lost. Installing this program will make Bitmap Parade Screen Saver the current screen saver. This will disable any screen saver "FRONT END" program. McAfee Scrnscan and Berkeley Systems After Dark are such programs. These "FRONT END" screen savers can be enabled by following the respective vendors installation instructions. The full speed option will cause the screen saver to consume most or all of the computers resources. Your background tasks may stop to execute. Do not use the full speed option on any "server". This proram is shareware. Copyright (c) 1997 Iambics Software Inc. ============================================================================== Windows 95 and Windows NT are registred trademarks of Microsoft Corporation Scrnsacn is a registerd trademark of McAfee Corporation After Dark is a registered trademark of Berkeley Systems.