Version 1.2.5 + ReGet now monitor clipboard for URL's. If You set "Monitor Clipboard" settings and copy URL to clipboard from any aplication, ReGet automataticaly add this URL to queue. + You can place URL or URL list file (*.LST) in ReGet command line. Sample: ReGet + If ReGet already runned you can add download to queue from command line by using ReGet URL or ReGet UrlList.LST + URL w/o filename and dublicates ignored + New setup programm Version 1.2.4 - bugfix and some new features + Improved winsock error messages + Improved file date setting + URL's with username and password (sample - + "Access violation" when open non existing WRG files from command line + Download state now is stored in queue file (WRG) + Try to fix floating "Access violation" error on exit from ReGet + Download state now storing in queue file + You can open ReGet home page directly from ReGet + New feature - URL list import Version 1.2.3 * Error when download from FTP and flag "Do not restart from beginning if ReGet isn't working" is set * reget substitute extension WRG for files in command line * Reget set file date and time * Right indication for periods greater what 24:00:00 * In request header added new field - "Host". Version 1.2.2 + First public international version