JUndertaking: Your order will be transmitted to auto-order@pmail.gen.nz, inIa specially-encrypted format for security. We guarantee that this programGis not sending any information about you or your system other than thatKwhich you have explicitly entered in this order, apart from your electronicMmail address, which is automatically supplied as part of the message. We alsoFguarantee that the information in this order will be used only for theKexplicit purpose of fulfilling your order and will not be made available toKany third party for any reason whatsoever. We don't like junk mail any moreGthan you do and nothing annoys us more than finding that our names have+somehow ended up on someone's mailing list.0Single-user manual orders: terms and conditions.0------------------------------------------------HWe have attempted to keep the price of the Single-User manual set as low