count 5 loop: if !count hangup display "^M^JAborting Script, Maximum count exceeded^M^J" abort endif expect 10 "CONNECT" if !expect hangup redial goto loop endif sleep 2 # Transmit a Control-C (^C) to CompuServe, and then wait for the # prompt "User ID:". If this is not seen in 10 seconds, we try again. output "^C" cis: expect 10 "User ID:" if !expect goto cis endif # Transmit the user id string (remember the ^M at the end for ENTER)... output "xxxxx,xxxx^M" # Wait for CompuServe to ask for a password... expect 10 "Password:" # Transmit our password # (You don't think for a moment that this is my REAL password, do you?????) output "xxxxxx.xxxxx^M" # Wait for CompuServe header, expect 10 "Compuserve"