1 The date you have enter is incorrect, please fix. 2 The license key you entered is invalid. Please verify if all the data is entered correctly. 3 All supported pictures 4 BMP Bitmap Picture 5 GIF Picture 6 JPEG Picture 7 BMP Bitmap Pictures 8 GIF Pictures 9 JPEG Pictures 10 After you register, you will receive a license that removes this reminder message and the mark that otherwise appears on every picture that is saved, copied or printed. 11 Please try also our HyperCam product. It allows you to record the action from your screen into an AVI movie, together with cursor movements and sound! Find out more about HyperCam and download it from our WEB pages at http://www.hyperionics.com 12 %s\nThis copy of %s is not registered. All saved, printed and copied images will have 'Snapped with %s' mark in the upper left corner.\n\nTo register this copy of %s, select the "Register" function under "Help" menu. %s\n\n%s 13 This copy of %s is not registered. Your evaluation period has \nnow expired. The program will still operate, but it should be registerd with it's author. %s\n\nWould you like to register it now? 14 Window create failed in MakeCapture() 15 Sorry, can not auto-scroll this window. 16 Could not open clipboard. 17 Could not empty clipboard. 18 Not enough memory to copy the bitmap. 20 Could not set clipboard data. 21 Error in printing. 22 Could not open GIF file "%s" 23 Error GIF file "%s" is corrupted. 24 Could not convert GIF file to bitmap 25 Error reading bitmap file "%s" 26 There is no picture to save. 27 %s is already registered to "%s".\nYour license key is %s\n\n\nPress OK button to read about obtaining additional licenses.\n 28 Both hot keys: "Stop Auto Capture" and "Repeat Last Capture" must be defined and enabled to use this feature. Please define the keys under the "Options/Configure Hot Keys..." menu. 29 Timed auto-save enabled -- HyperSnap will now wait for you to make the first capture. After that it will disappear from screen and save the same screen area every %g seconds. To stop the process and restore HyperSnap window to screen press %s key. 30 This program uses the "gd Graphics Library" to manipulate GIF files. gd 1.2, copyright 1994, Quest Protein Database Center, Cold Spring Harbor Labs (http://siva.cshl.org/gd/gd.html). 31 The Graphics Interchange Format(c) is the Copyright property of CompuServe Incorporated. GIF(sm) is a Service Mark property of CompuServe Incorporated. 32 This program uses LZW compression/decompression technology licensed under U.S. Patent No. 4,558,302 and foreign counterparts. 34 The JPEG functions of this software are based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group. 35 Unlicensed Evaluation Copy 36 Unlimited - Site 37 Unlimited - Worldwide 38 Never 39 Size 40 F1: Help 41 Open HyperSnap 42 &File 43 File Commands 44 &Edit 45 Clear window and clip-board commands 46 &View 47 Viewing commands 48 &Capture 49 Select capture area 50 &Options 51 Set program options 52 &Help 53 Help on using HyperSnap-DX 54 &Open... 55 Read a picture from a disk file 56 Save &As... 57 Save the picture to a disk file 58 Print Se&tup... 59 Setup printer options 60 Page &Setup... 61 Setup page options for printouts 62 &Print... 63 Print current picture 64 Send by E&mail 65 Send the picture by email as a graphics file 66 &Exit 67 Exit HyperSnap-DX 68 &Copy 69 Copy current picture to the clipboard 70 &Paste 71 Paste a picture from the clipboard to HyperSnap-DX 72 C&lear 73 Clear the picture from the HyperSnap-DX window 74 Copy &Format... 75 Select bitmap format that will be copied to the clipboard 76 C&rop 77 Crop the picture to a smaller size 78 &Undo Crop 79 Undo the last crop operation 80 &Full Screen 81 View current picture in full screen mode 82 &Previous File 83 View the previous file of the same type in current directory 84 &Next File 85 View the next file of the same type in current directory 86 Configure Hot &Keys... 87 Select hot keys for capture functions 88 &Hide Help in Region Capture 89 Hide the help text when making region capture. 90 Display &Tray Icon Only 91 Check this to display only a tiny icon in the system tray when iconized. 92 Toggle &Menu 93 Hide HyperSnap menu to have large picture area - user Ctrl+M to unhide it 94 &Overview 95 Overview of HyperSnap-DX 96 &Quick Help 97 Quick reference 98 &Tutorial 99 Tutorial on using HyperSnap-DX 100 &Register... 101 Register this copy of HyperSnap-DX 102 &Enter License... 103 Enter the license key 104 &Credits... 105 &About... 106 Display HyperSnap-DX version, copyright and Hyperionics addresses. 107 Are you sure you want to completely remove HyperSnap-DX? 108 DirectX (games) screen capture enabled. Please use: 109 as the hot key to capture game screens. 110 Any games that were running before may need to be re-started for the screen capture to work correctly. 111 DirectX (games) screen capture disabled. 112 The "Include Cursor Image" option was turned on. 113 To include the cursor image in any screen capture other than the full desktop, capture the image first without the cursor; then place the cursor where you want it and use the "Repeat Last Capture" hot key. 114 Capturing the cursor has the following limitation: on Windows NT the cursor shape may be incorrect if the cursor is inside of the console (DOS Prompt) window. 115 HyperSnap-DX can not register the following hot keys, they may be in use by another program 116 (is another copy of HyperSnap-DX running?): 117 The program will still operate, but these hot keys will not be available. If necessary, you may use "Configure Hot Keys" dialog from options menu to change them. 118 Capture &Full Screen 119 Capture &Window 120 Capture &Active Window 121 Active Window without &Frame 122 Capture R&egion 123 Repeat &Last Capt. 124 Toggle Menu Ctrl+M 125 &Full Screen 126 Take a snapshot of the whole desktop 127 &Window 128 Select a window, with optional scrolling down of the contents (check Auto Scroll below) 129 &Active Window 130 Capture active window, including title and frame 131 Active Window with&out Frame 132 Capture active window without the title and frame 133 &Region 134 Select any rectangular region of the desktop 135 Repeat &Last Capture 136 Capture the same screen area as before 137 Enable DirectX Capture 138 Capture games or other software that uses DirectX 139 Quick &Copy 140 Auto-copy each capture to the clipboard 141 Quick &Print 142 Auto-print each capture to the default printer 143 Quick &Save 144 Auto-save each capture to a selected file. 145 Auto Scroll Window 146 Auto-scroll down for windows with vertical scroll bar. Valid only in Window capture mode. 147 &Include Cursor Image 148 Include cursor image in the capture 149 Res&tore After Capture 150 Restore and bring to front HyperSnap-DX window after each capture. 151 Wrong version of dxsnap.dll, DirectX capture disabled. 152 LoadLibrary(dxsnap.dll) failed 153 Bitmap Copy Options 154 Error 155 That file is write protected. 156 %s already exists.\nDo you want to replace it? 157 Save As 158 &Options 159 There is no picture to save. 160 Error in 161 Error saving bitmap file "%s", probably not enough disk space. 162 Error converting image to GIF format. 163 Click on transparent color, or abort with right button 164 You must click within bitmap boundaries. Please try again. 165 Transparent color 166 The color to be transparent: 167 &Accept 168 C&hange 169 &Cancel 170 Error saving GIF file "%s", probably not enough disk space. 171 Can not open save file. 172 Error saving JPEG file "%s". 173 USE MOUSE OR THE FOLLOWING KEYS: 174 F1: hide/show this help 175 Arrows: move pointer by one pixel 176 Shift-Arrows: move pointer by 10 pixels 177 Ctrl-Arrows: move pointer to an edge 178 Esc or Right Button: abort operation 179 Enter or Left Button: accept this position 180 +: hide/show mouse pointer 181 RUBBERBAND RECTANGLE MODE: 182 -: hide/show rectangle size in pixels 183 Tab or Home: switch rect. corner 184 Print job was terminated. 185 General print error. 186 Not enough disk space for print spooling. 187 Not enough memory for print spooling. 188 Print job terminated by the user. 189 Unknown print error. 190 Inches 191 Bitmap creation failed! 192 Window create failed! (%s) 193 Directory "%s" does not exist. Do you want to create it? 194 Install HyperSnap-DX 195 Directory "%s" could not be created. Please specify a different name. 196 Directory "%s" is read-only. Please specify a different name. 197 Could not copy all HyperSnap-DX files to the destination path, installation failed. 198 Please ignore any "File not found" or "Batch file missing" error messages. 199 They mean that HyperSnap-DX was completely uninstalled. 200 You may close this window now. 201 Set &Auto-Scroll Refresh Time 202 Sets window refresh time in milliseconds after each auto-scroll action. 34601 Capture Full Screen 34602 Capture Window 34603 Capture Region 34604 Capture Active Window 34605 Capture Active without Frame 34606 Repeat Last Capture 34607 Stop Auto-Capture 34608 Capture DirectX Screens 34609 reserve 4 34610 Shift+ 34611 Ctrl+ 34612 Alt+ 34613 None 34614 Press the key combination that will start the full screen capture. 34615 Press the key combination that will start window capture. 34616 Press the key combination that will start region capture. 34617 Press the key combination that will start the active window capture. 34618 Press the key combination that will start the active window without frame capture. 34619 Press the key combination that will repeat the last capture. 34620 Press the key combination that will stop auto-capture. 34621 Press the key combination that will start DirectX capture.