Computer Sounder Version 2.3 Tuesday, June, 24, 1997 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please refer to the file order.txt for information about ordering this program -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents 1. Features 2. Distribution 3. Installation 4. Contacting the Author 5. Version History -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Features This program is just like a piano in a computer. You can use the keyboard the mouse to make some sound. This program can simulate many musical instrument. You need to have a sound card in order to use this program. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Distribution Computer sounder is a shareware. You may try it out for 30 days. If you want to use it for more then 30 days, you must regester. The author retains all rights to the software. You may make any number of exact copies of the original software and accompanying documentation and freely distribute these copies on disk or via electronic means. The copies must include the original files, unmodified and in their entirety. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Installation System Requirements: Windows 95: a 486 PC (or better) running Windows 95 or higher A sound card Installation: You can install this program by running the setup.exe Uninstall: Delete the file PIANO.EXE, PIANO.HLP. And using REGEDIT.EXE delete the entry in the location "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\Computer Sounder" -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Contacting the Author Feedback is always welcome. If you'd like to comment on the program, submit suggestions for future releases or if you'd like to report a bug you've found, you can contact me at either of the e-mail addresses below: or by postal mail: Eddie Huang 443 S. Laureltree Dr. Anaheim, CA ,92808 USA Enjoy ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Version History 1.0: The first public realease of Computer Sounder 1.01: Fix a bug about open and save file. Also correct the information in readme.txt 2.3: Rebuild the program using Visual Basic 5. Rewrited the program so it now displays a lot more faster. No longer use THREED32.OCX. End of File.