:Base stratus.hlp>proc4 :Title StratusPad Help 1 Menus 2 File menu=menu_file 2 Edit menu=menu_edit 2 Insert menu=menu_insert 2 Format menu=menu_format 2 Tools menu=menu_tools 2 View menu=menu_view 2 Window menu=menu_window 2 Help menu=menu_help 1 General Information 2 About StratusPad=register>ref1 1 Working with Documents 2 Creating a new document=newdocument 2 Saving changes to a document=savechangestodoc 2 Opening a document=toopenadoc 2 Opening .doc and .wri files=converters 2 Opening Word files=converters 1 Working with Text 2 Copying information between documents=COMMON_USE_INFO@common.hlp>proc4 2 Moving information between documents=COMMON_MOVE_INFO@common.hlp>proc4 2 Undoing your last action=toundo 2 Deleting text=todeletetext 2 Searching for text=tosearchfortext 2 Searching for and replacing text=tosearchandreplace 2 Inserting the current date and time=insdatetime 1 Formatting Text 2 Changing how text wraps on your screen=textwrap 2 Creating a bullet list=tocreateabulletlist 2 Changing a font type, style, or size=changefonttype 2 Formatting a paragraph=toformatapar 2 Setting tabs=settingtabs 1 Printing 2 Printing a document=WINDOWS_PRINT_PRINT_DOC@common.hlp>proc4 2 Seeing a page before you print it=howtoprintpreview 2 Setting page margins=setpagemargins 2 Changing printers and printing options=changeprinters 2 Troubleshooting printing problems=PTS_WHAT_WRONG@windows.hlp>proc4 1 Creating Connections with Other Documents 2 Editing linked objects=toeditlinkedobj 2 Embedding or linking an object into StratusPad=editlinkobject 2 Copying information to another document=COMMON_USE_INFO@common.hlp>proc4 2 Moving information to another document=COMMON_MOVE_INFO@common.hlp>proc4 2 Linking information to another document=COMMON_LINK_INFO@common.hlp>proc4