StratusPad 1.1 Feedback Form If you cannot print this form, write a note with the same information on it as is on this form. Please print clearly. Thank you. Please fill out the following information then send or e-mail it to: Brandon Fridley P.O. Box 6174 Vancouver, WA 98668 U.S.A. E-mail: Name _________________________________________ Company _________________________________________ Address _________________________________________ City/State/Zip _____________________________________ Country ________________________________________ Telephone Number _________________________________ E-mail Address _____________________________________ Questionnaire: How did you hear of StratusPad (store, BBS, friend, magazine, etc.)? What do you use StratusPad for? What was your first impression of StratusPad? What do you like about StratusPad? What do you dislike? Comments: