This file will explain how to install the Video and Audio Compression options in Windows 95. This file is not meant to take the place of the printed installation instructions. Microforum cannot provide technical support on Windows 95 installation problems therefore if you have any further questions about the procedures described below you must refer to the installation instructions or contact Microsoft. How to check to see if the Video and Audio Compression options have been installed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Have your Windows 95 CD-ROM or floppy disks handy. 2) While in Windows 95 double click on the "My Computer" icon. 3) This should bring up a windows that has a file folder called "Control Panels". 4) Double click on the "Control Panels" file folder. 5) From within the Control Panel double click on the "Add/Remove Programs" icon. 6) This will bring up a dialog box with three tabs at the top. Click on the tab that says "Windows Setup". 7) This will show you a list of options that have/can be installed. 8) Scroll down this list and check to see if there is a check mark next to "Multimedia". 9) If there is a check mark in a white box then you have installed all of the "Multimedia options. Expect No Mercy Should run fine. No need to go any further. 10) If there is a check mark in a grey box you have installed some of the "Multimedia" options but not all of them. Skip to step 12. 11) If there is no check mark next to "Multimedia" then click on the box once so that a check mark appears. 12) Double click on the word "Multimedia". This will bring up the Multimedia option box. 13) Make sure that there is a check mark next the both Audio Compression and Video Compression. If there is not a check mark then click once on the box so that a check mark appears. 14) Click on the "OK" button. 15) Now click on the "Apply" button in the "Add/Remove Programs properties" box. 16) The Audio and Video Compression options have now been installed and Expect No Mercy should work fine.