
GUI Developer (5459)

Develop GUI based systems using Visual C++ and Object Oriented technologies.

For more information: call Gwen Ferrari (303) 694-5370 or forward your resume to Compuware Corporation:

Programmer - COBOL, DB2, CICS (5460)

Design and develop applications using Cobol II, DB2, CICS.

For more information: call Gwen Ferrari (303) 694-5370 or forward your resume to Compuware Corporation:

Client/Server Developer (5461)

Design, develop and test applications in a Client/Server environment using C and/or C++ in Unix.

For more information: call Gwen Ferrari (303) 694-5370 or forward your resume to Compuware Corporation:

Windows Developer

Design, code, implement and maintain applications developed in a MS-Windows environment for use in a consumer and corporate markets. These new applications will be written using advanced human interface techniques to allow a more intuitive use of the reservations and travel distribution process. Apply Galileo International structured data transactions to new client/server components for use in corporate workplaces.

Qualified candidates will leave at least two (2) years experience in developing in a MS-Windows environment using C++. A strong background in Borland OWL or MFC is desired. Windows NT experience is a plus.

Denver, CO - Colorado Springs, CO

For more information: call Echo Ries (303) 694-5370 or forward your resume to Compuware Corporation:

Programmer/Analyst - Mainframe

Provides research and analysis skills for requirements gathering, risk analysis, project environmental impact analysis, processing requirements, constraints analysis necessary to support the preparation and documentation of the Functional and Detail Design phases of project plan. Helps to develop the functional requirement to support change management, environmental impacts and other evaluations.

Required Qualifications:

Desired Qualifications:

Denver, CO - Colorado Springs, CO

For more information: call Echo Ries (303) 694-5370 or forward your resume to Compuware Corporation:

C Programmer

Design enhancements to maintain and support existing PC based systems used by Travel Agencies. These systems are primarily MS-Windows based applications, but utilize DOS as well. The position will require involvement in one or more system functions such as GUI, LAN, WAN, and Terminal Emulation. Candidates will have at least two years experience programming in C and are required to have experience in MS-Windows and DOS programming as well. Knowledge of Windows SDK, Borland IDE and OWL, or Microsoft Visual C++ and MFC is desirable.

Denver, CO - Colorado Springs, CO

For more information: call Echo Ries (303) 694-5370 or forward your resume to Compuware Corporation:

Programmer Analyst

We have exciting opportunities for Programmer/Analysts with experience in any of the following technologies.

Denver, CO - Colorado Springs, CO

For more information concerning Colorado opportunities: call 719-592-9667 or forward your resume to Compuware Corporation at:

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