650 WebSpace\nWebSpace\nWebSpace\n\n\nFtp.Document\nFtp Document 1034 Shows the size of the selected file. 9018 New Folder 9030 New Folder\nNew Folder 9039 Select all folders and files 9500 Closes the FTP Site Manager window. 9502 The address of the FTP site. 9504 Copies the selected files from your computer to your website. 9505 A name for the FTP site, as you would like it to appear in the folder list. 9507 The files on the selected drive. 9509 The list of available drives on the selected computer. 9511 Copies the selected files from your Webdrive to the current folder and drive on your computer. 9512 Opens the Synchronize Folder dialog so you can set preferences for comparing files and updating old files. 9515 The address of the FTP site, such as ftp-www.earthlink.net. 9516 The folder/directory you want to copy files from. 9517 The User Id you want to use to login to an FTP site. 9518 The folder/directory you want to copy files to. 9521 Check if you want to log into this FTP site anonymously. 9522 Shows the number of bytes that have already been copied. 9524 Shows the time remaining for all files that are being copied. 9525 Check this box to save your password for this site. 9527 Click this button to add a new site. 9528 Shows the number of bytes copied for all files. 9529 Deletes the current selection. 9530 Shows the Destination file name. 9535 Click this button to add a new folder. 9545 Enter your password to access this FTP Site. 9549 Shows the type of file, such as Word document. 9550 Shows the directory location of the file. 9553 Enter the name of the file you want to locate. 9563 Shows the date the file was last modified. 9564 Shows the list of favorite FTP sites. 9565 Shows the name for the current FTP Site. 9566 Shows the description of the current FTP Site. 9567 Shows the Site tree. 9572 Identifies the current drive on your computer or on the Web server. 9573 Check this option to update the folder on your computer with the contents of the like-named folder on the website. 9574 Check this option to update the folder on the website with the contents of the like-named folder on your computer. 9576 Check this option to include the subfolders in the synchronization process. 9577 Check this option if you do not want to delete any files. 9578 Check this option to prompt you for confirmation before deleting files. 9579 Check this option to prompt you for confirmation before overwriting files. 9583 Check this option if you want to include the subfolders in your search. 9584 Shows the directory you are searching. 9585 Shows the title of the source folder. 9586 SHows the source file name. 9587 Shows the title of the destination folder. 9590 The rate at which the file(s) are being transferred from one computer to the other. 9593 The size of the file transfer in Kb. 10000 &Ftp Connection 10001 Ftp 10002 The directory name %s already exists on the remote drive. A file with the same name can not be uploaded. 10003 The directory name %s already exists on the local drive. A file with the same name can not be down loaded. 10004 %s could not be renamed.\nA file or directory with the same name already exists. 10009 WebSpace 10010 New Folder 10011 Delete 10012 Stop 10013 Refresh 10014 Properties 10015 Find 10016 Views 10017 Sites 10018 Downloading... 10019 Uploading... 10020 EarthLink FTP - Downloading 10021 EarthLink FTP - Uploading 10022 Are you sure you want to delete these %d items? 10023 EarthLink FTP - Synchronizing folders 10024 Status 10026 File Properties 10027 Are you sure you want to delete this item? 10028 EarthLink could not connect to your Webspace. If you have not previously signed up for your personal Webspace, press "Sign up for Webspace" and follow the directions on the following Web page. 10030 You cannot synchronize the %s %s. 10031 Transfer could not be completed. The connection to the server was lost.\nPlease reconnect and try again. 10500 Windows sockets initialization failed. 10501 Open the site manager\nOpen the site manager 10502 Create a new folder\nCreate a new folder 10503 Delete the current selection\nDelete the current selection 10504 Stop the current operation\nStop the current operation 10505 Refresh the active file list\nRefresh the active file list 10506 Display the file properties\nDisplay the file properties 10507 Change the active list view\nChange the active list view 10508 Find file(s) on system\nFind file(s) on system 10509 Synchronizing Folders 10510 WebSpace is currently loading.\nPlease wait until loading has completed. 10511 WebSpace Loading... 10513 You are about to upload %s of data to your Webspace. This may exceed your limit (normally 6MB).\nAre you sure you want to continue? 10514 You are restricted from accessing the EarthLink WebSpace. The WebSpace window will now be closed. 10515 A connection to your EarthLink Webspace could not be made.\nWould you like to try again?. 10516 There is a file transfer in process. Do you want to terminate the transfer and continue to exit? 10517 Your user name or password is incorrect.\n\nPlease make sure your user name and password are correct and try again.\n 10518 Connection Failed 10519 Too many users are conected to the server.\n\nPlease try again later. 10520 Please make sure your Username and Password are correct and press Login 10521 Could not connect to %s. Please make sure your user name and password are correct and try again. 10522 An FTP Site already exists with this name,\nPlease pick another name. 10523 You are about to make a large data transfer of %s.\nAre you sure you want to continue?. 10524 You are attempting to download %s. There is only %s free space on the drive. Please free up some space and try again. 10525 %s contains invalid characters.\nAllowable characters are A-Z,a-z,0-9,-_\nOther characters, like spaces, are not allowed. 10526 Directory could not be created 10527 %s already exists, do you want to overwrite it? 10528 %s not found, file could not be uploaded? 10529 "%s not found, file could not be downloaded" 10530 The %s directory could not be created.\nA file or directory with the same name already exists 10531 Quota: %3.2f MB 10532 Used: %3.2f MB (%3.2f%%) 10533 Select a folder where you want to move the selected items. 10534 Select the folder you want to search. 51000 Refresh\nRefresh the active document 53000 File 53001 Tools 53002 New 53003 View 53004 Window 53005 Help 53006 Mail Messa&ge 53007 &Messages... 53008 Browser 53009 &Browser 53010 Web 53011 &Web 53012 Home 53013 Refresh 53014 &Refresh 53015 Search 53016 Favorites 53017 Address 53018 Ftp 53019 Internet 53020 Text Labels 53021 SideCar 53022 View Toolbar 53023 Chat 53024 Navigate 53025 Configure 53026 Small Toolbar 53027 Large Toolbar 53028 EarthLink 5.0 53029 %s Tool&bar 53030 &Back 53031 F&orward 53032 Select &All 53033 &View Source 53034 &Print 53035 &Restore 53036 &Move 53037 &Size 53038 Mi&nimize 53039 Ma&ximize 53040 &Close Alt+F4 53041 Web&space 53042 Print Setup... 53043 Save As... 53044 &MailBox 53045 &Write Mail 53046 Edit 53047 Internet Explorer 53048 Find 53049 Print 53050 C&hat 54000 It appears that you are no longer connected to the network. 54001 You are low on system resources. Continuing may cause the application to behave abnormally or the system to shutdown unexpectedly. Do you wish to continue? 54002 You are low on disk space. Continuing may cause the application to behave abnormally or the system to shutdown unexpectedly. Do you wish to continue? 54003 Import 54004 Export 54005 Cu&t 54006 &Copy 54007 &Paste 57607 Print\nPrint the active document