Text Processing Instructions, draft 1 The text processing is in two main parts. 1: run the handler hEpisodeProcess, this handler will bring up a system file browser. Select the first file you want to convert to a Director cast. To process more than one cast member at a time pass in the number of sequential files you want to process. For example if you want to process 3 text files, you would type : "hEpisodeProcess 3" and you would select the first file of the bunch in the file browser. There is another parameter you can pass to hEpisodeProcess, but the next set of scripts won't recognize it, so don't bother using it unless you want to rename all the casts you create. 2: Move all the created casts that should look like 102.cst to the Scripts folder. Now you can run the handler hIndexIndicies. This handler calls hIndexScripts which processes individual scripts and creates an index per script cast. Once it has done the local index for all the specified it will continue on to create a master index, temporarily placing this master index in the Internal cast. To properly call hIndexIndicies you need to tell it the first and last script number to process and the prefix of the index to look for. Currently this prefix is hardwired to "esi_" in the hIndexScripts script. For example: hIndexIndicies(102,156, "esi_") Asides, caveats, addendums, and stuff... If (or when) something goes slightly amiss and you want to re-run the indexing there are a few things to comment and uncomment depending on what you need to do. To re-index the individual scripts just call hIndexScripts directly: hIndexScripts(102,102) very simple no funny stuff. If you have already built the indexes, but need to rebuild the master index, you'll need to comment out the call to hIndexScripts in hIndexIndicies, it is basically the first call in hIndexIndicies. In case you've already built a lot of the master index and you have a problem with a script or index and don't want to wait as the master index is rebuilt, then you'll need to change how the master index is written. By default the whole index is kept in memory and saved out incrementally. If however you want to incorporate the index entries that have already been written out then you'll need to comment out the line in hMIWriteIt that reads "put reallyText into member thisName" and uncomment the big block of red text.