1:[3,#b],4:[3,#i]@1“In the Cards”@2Deep Space Nine episode #123 Teleplay by Ronald D. Moore Story by Truly Clark & Scott Neal Directed by Michael Dorn Stardate 50929.4 First aired in 1997 GUEST STARS Weyoun JEFFREY COMBS Giger BRIAN MARKINSON Nog ARON EISENBERG Leeta CHASE MASTERSON SPECIAL GUEST STAR Kai Winn LOUISE FLETCHER Jake and Nog risk an intergalactic incident in an innocent quest to lift Sisko’s spirits. As the Dominion threat to the Alpha Quadrant intensifies, Jake notices Sisko growing increasingly depressed. Hearing that Quark plans to auction off a collection of antiquities that includes a vintage Willie Mays baseball card, he decides obtaining the card for his father is the perfect way to lift his spirits. Jake persuades Nog to use his life savings to bid on the collection, but a man named Dr. Giger outbids them, taking the card and crushing Jake’s hopes. Jake and Nog approach Dr. Giger with an offer to buy the card, but he refuses. However, after researching their backgrounds Giger offers to trade them the card for various pieces of equipment and medical supplies. Upon Nog’s insistence, Giger reveals he needs the items to develop a machine that will deliver eternal life by “entertaining” cells -- preventing them from dying of boredom. Jake’s determination to got the card leads them to agree to Giger’s terms. Meanwhile, Kai Winn meets with Dominion representative Weyoun on the station to discuss the Dominion’s wish to sign a non-aggression treaty with Bajor. Sisko feels strongly that this would be an unwise move and convinces Winn to stall the proceedings. Later, Jake and Nog return to Giger’s quarters with the last of the items he requested, only to find that Giger and his equipment are gone. After teaming that Odo has no record of Giger being on the station, Jake and Nog spot Kai Winn on the Promenade, talking with a man who bid against them at the auction. Jake assumes they kidnapped Giger and confronts the Kai. This lands him and Nog in Sisko’s office where, determined to keep the baseball-card a secret, Jake tells his father they were drunk. Sisko confines them to quarters, but on their way they are suddenly transported to a Jem-Hadar interrogation room. Jake and Nog explain their quest to obtain the baseball card from Giger, who is being held captive, but Weyoun believes they are plotting against him. Desperate, Jake makes up a story about working for Starfleet Intelligence. The tale is so preposterous Weybun decides he believes the first story. In fact, he is actually interested in Giger’s work. Weyoun lets the boys take the baseball card, which, as Jake predicted, succeeds in improving his father’s mood. ~1:[3,#b],4:[3,#i]@1“Call to Arms”@2Deep Space Nine episode #124 Written by Ira Steven Behr & Robert Hewitt Wolfe Directed by Allan Kroeker Stardate 50975.2 First aired in 1997 GUEST STARS Garak ANDREW J. ROBINSON Weyoun JEFFREY COMBS Gul Dukat MARC ALAIMO Rom MAX GRODENCHIK Nog ARON EISENBERG Martok J.G. HERTZLER Leeta CHASE MASTERSON Ziyal MELANIE SMITH Dumar CASEY BIGGS Deep Space Nine prepares to face a Dominion/Cardassian attack. As another convoy of Jem’Hadar ships emerges from the wormhole toward Cardassia, Sisko and his officers face the grim realization that the Dominion is taking over the Alpha Quadrant. When Starfleet Command notifies Sisko that he must stop further Dominion reinforcements from reaching Cardassia, he decides to mine the entrance to the wormhole -- a move that will likely lead to war. Dax, Rom, and O’Brien hatch a plan to fill the wormhole entrance with self replicating mines, but the entire minefield must be in place before it can be activated. This means the plan is likely to be detected, and the Defiant attacked, before the minefield is ready. When Sisko reveals that Starfleet cannot send reinforcements, the crew realizes the station may be lost. Shortly after Dax and O’Brien set off to deploy the minefield, Weyoun, the Dominion representative, arrives with a warning that they will take over the station unless Sisko removes the mines. Refusing to back down, Sisko alerts the crew to the Dominion’s impending attack. He asks General Martok to patrol the border and informs Kira he will endorse the non-aggression pact the Dominion proposed to Bajor, hopefully ensuring the planet’s survival. After hurriedly marrying Rom and Leeta, Sisko is notified by Martok that the Dominion force should arrive within the hour. The station is evacuated while Sisko, his officers, and a few others remain behind. As the battle begins, they fight the Jem’Hadar from the station while Martok and his troops protect the Defiant, allowing Dax and O’Brien time to finish the minefield. With the Dominion continuing to bear down, Sisko orders all remaining Starfleet personnel to evacuate. Sisko addresses Kira, Odo, Quark, Rom, Mom, and the few others who will remain behind, promising to fight until he can return to the station. He also reveals that while they were keeping the Dominion occupied, the rest of the Federation fleet was destroying Dominion shipyards in Cardassian space. Preparing for a rendezvous with a Federation task force and a final battle with the Dominion, Sisko joins his crew and departs in the Defiant. Unfortunately, he must leave without Jake, who secretly arranged to remain behind and report on the imminent events. Back on Deep Space Nine, Kira, Odo, and their remaining comrades disable the station before surrendering their home to Gul Dukat and the Dominion.