138:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Dogs... " - REV. 04/09/99 - ACT FIVE 67. 54A CONTINUED: SISKO I'm not. Are you kidding? This is great! KASIDY I'm glad you think so. The joy dissipates as he sits down next to her. SISKO But you don't? KASIDY I just keep thinking about... the Prophets. They warned you that marrying me would bring you sorrow. SISKO We've been through this, Kas. KASIDY I know we have. We said we weren't going to let the Prophets run our lives. But that was before... this. (beat) What if they... were trying to warn you... that something's going to happen to our -- SISKO Shhh. He pulls her close. SISKO Nothing's going to happen to our baby. KASIDY How can you be sure? SISKO Because I'm the Emissary of the Prophets and I know that everything's going to be okay. She tries to take comfort in his certainty, but it only goes so far. KASIDY I hope you're right...