DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Dogs... " - REV. 04/09/99 - ACT FIVE 66. 54A INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS KASIDY is in her bathrobe, sitting on the couch when Sisko ENTERS. SISKO You're up late. Waiting for me? Sisko quickly picks up on the vibe in the room. SISKO What's wrong? Beat. KASIDY I'm pregnant. Sisko's mind is going in a dozen different directions. SISKO Are you sure? KASIDY Of course I'm sure. SISKO I didn't mean... it's just... a baby! You and me... wow. I hadn't even... a baby? She smiles as she watches the initial joy and confusion play across his face. KASIDY Surprise. SISKO Surprise is right -- how did... ? KASIDY I think somebody forgot to get their injection last month... SISKO (realizing) And Julian even reminded me. But with everything that's been going on... KASIDY You don't have to apologize.