DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Dogs... " - REV. 04/09/99 - ACT FIVE 60. 52 CONTINUED: She moves to join Rom, who along with Brunt, hangs back from the doorway, allowing Quark to greet the group. Zek, MOOGIE and MAIHAR'DU ENTER from the Promenade and stop in the doorway. Zek looks toward Rom, though Quark's in the way. ZEK There you are, my boy! (holding up his CANE) I have something for you. QUARK Not so fast, Zek. We need to talk. MOOGIE I knew you were going to make this difficult. ZEK My mind is made up, Quark. Whining and complaining won't change anything. QUARK I won't have any part of what you're doing to our once proud civilization. A man can only be pushed so far. If you want me to be Nagus, you're going to have to let me do things my way. Zek and Moogie exchange a look. MOOGIE Who wants you to be Nagus? Quark stops short, not sure how to respond to that. ZEK (annoyed) Out of the way, Quark.