DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Dogs... " - REV. 04/09/99 - ACT FIVE 59. 50 CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR I'm glad we put all that behind us. The doors OPEN and they start inside -- EZRI Me too. As the doors CLOSE behind them -- CUT TO: 51 INT. OPS Worf and O'Brien are at work. The turbolift RISES UP, revealing Bashir and Ezri locked in a passionate embrace. Worf and O'Brien exchange a look as the two lovers continue kissing, unaware that all of Ops is looking at them. O'BRIEN I guess they worked it out... Worf hits a button and sends the turbolift BACK DOWN. CUT TO: 52 INT. QUARK'S Quark is pacing as he awaits Zek's imminent arrival. The bar is OPEN. Rom, Nog and Brunt are present. Brunt is still toadying. BRUNT It always brings a tear to my eye to see a Nagus pass his staff to a successor. It's a privilege to witness this historic moment. QUARK Just wait and see. It's going to be more historic than you think. Leeta pops in from the Promenade -- LEETA They're here!