DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Dogs... " - REV. 04/09/99 - ACT FOUR 46-50. 42 EXT. CARDASSIA PRIME (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 43 OMITTED 43A EXT. CARDASSIA PRIME - STREET - NIGHT A backstreet somewhere in the heart of the capital. Two JEM'HADAR stand guard outside the ENTRANCE to a large building which is a BARRACKS for the Jem'Hadar. The structure has several WINDOWS lining the facade (though we can't necessarily see inside). N.D. Jem'Hadar and VORTA move in and out of the barracks, while N.D. CARDASSIAN PASSERSBY walk on the opposite side of the street -- as if to avoid the Jem'Hadar altogether. 43B IN AN ALCOVE we find Damar and Kira lurking in the shadows and watching the Barracks. Kira has the hood of her cloak drawn over her face. They're worried. KIRA He's been in there too long. Something's wrong. 43C AT THE ENTRANCE Garak comes out of the barracks carrying a PADD, and is about to go on his way, but one JEM'HADAR stops him. JEM'HADAR Let me see your work order. GARAK (pleasant) I showed it to you on the way in. The Jem'Hadar snatches the PADD out of his hand and looks it over. JEM'HADAR This has not been approved by the First. GARAK Ah. Yes. Let me explain...