DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Dogs... " - REV. 04/09/99 - ACT FOUR 41. 39 CONTINUED: QUARK (Cont'd) What have we come to when you can't even demand sexual favors from people in your employ? ROM Unharassed workers are productive workers. (beat) So what are you going to do with the bar? QUARK Sell it. What do I want with it, anymore? ROM (expecting to negotiate) I'll give you five thousand bars of latinum and not a slip more. QUARK That's reasonable. ROM (surprised) It is? QUARK (shaking his head sadly) I'm telling you, Rom, our people have lost their way. ROM (before Quark changes his mind) I just happen to have a contract right here. Rom produces a FERENGI PADD. QUARK I read a report that over forty percent of the population no longer believes that you have to buy your way into the Divine Treasury when you die. ROM (proffering the PADD) Can I have your thumbprint here, please?