44:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Dogs... " - REV. 04/09/99 - ACT TWO 36. 37 INT. DOMINION BRIEFING ROOM Weyoun is introducing a Cardassian named BROCA to the FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER and THOT PRAN. WEYOUN Allow me to present Gul -- no, I'm sorry -- Legate Broca, the new head of the Cardassian Union. Broca has a military bearing, but he's an ambitious man willing to play lackey if that's what it takes to get ahead. He bows his head to the Founder. BROCA I serve the Founders in all things. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER Your service is noted. BROCA Thot Pran, I look forward to working with you and the Breen Confederacy. Thot Pran issues STATIC. WEYOUN (to Broca) Your first task will be to give a formal address to the Cardassian people, assuring them that the Dominion has their best interests at -- FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER That can wait. WEYOUN (smooth) But it can wait. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER We have important matters to discuss. The enemy has devised a countermeasure to our energy- dampening weapon, therefore we must alter our strategy. (beat) We're falling back. Thot Pran SQUAWKS in disbelief.