14:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Dogs... " - REV. 04/09/99 - ACT TWO 29-32. ACT THREE FADE IN: 34 OMITTED (BECOMES SCENE 26A) 35 INT. QUARK'S QUARTERS Quark is sitting on his chaise, while Brunt gives him a pedicure. QUARK Financial advisor? I don't know. BRUNT I do have a lot of connections on Ferenginar. QUARK I don't need your connections. As Nagus, people will be lining up to do business with me. (beat) You missed a spot. BRUNT (hinting) I'm sure there must be something I can do to change your mind... QUARK Possibly. BRUNT Would... forty bricks of gold- pressed latinum do the trick? QUARK No. But seventy would. BRUNT Fifty. QUARK Sixty.