14:[2,#b],157:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Dogs... " - REV. 04/09/99 - ACT TWO 22. ACT TWO FADE IN: 26A INT. REPLIMAT (FORMERLY SCENE 34) Ezri is sitting at a table, eating lunch and reading a PADD. Bashir ENTERS and pulls up short when he sees her. They plaster those false, awkward smiles across their faces again. BASHIR Hi. EZRI Hi. BASHIR Having lunch? EZRI It's that time. Bashir goes to the replicator and works the control, gets a plate of food out of the replicator and turns around -- there are plenty of open tables. He moves toward an empty table, pulls back the chair, then glances over at Ezri. Their eyes meet. BASHIR This is ridiculous. EZRI I know. Bashir sits down with her. BASHIR EZRI I have to tell you I have a confession to something -- make -- Beat. EZRI You go first. BASHIR No, it's all right. EZRI No, I mean it, Julian. You go first.