DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Dogs... " - REV. 04/09/99 - TEASER 6. 8 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO She's growing on me. O'BRIEN (with a grin, off console) The Breen are going to be in for a surprise when they train their energy-dampening weapon on this ship. WORF (approving, off same console) The shield generators have been completely reconfigured. O'BRIEN (eager) Let's take a look. Worf and O'Brien EXIT together. BASHIR I think I'll go check out Sickbay. Bashir EXITS, leaving Sisko and Ezri alone for a beat. She sees the look on his face. EZRI Well... I'll let you two get acquainted. She smiles and EXITS. Sisko looks around the empty Bridge, sits in the Captain's Chair. He runs a hand over one of its consoles. SISKO Hello, ship. Off Sisko as he soaks in the sights and sounds of his new ship... CUT TO: 9 EXT. SPACE - A JEM'HADAR SHIP (OPTICAL) Moving at impulse. 10 HEADSET POV (OPTICAL) through which we see an orbital shot of CARDASSIA PRIME. Around the edges of the tiny viewscreen, we see the interior of the Jem'Hadar bridge in the b.g.