61:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Extreme Measures" - REV. 04/05/99 - ACT FIVE 54. 47C CONTINUED: (4) Another SHAKE. Bashir rushes around the room, desperately grabbing PADDs and files -- trying to read everything he can get his hands on. O'Brien grabs Bashir and slams him against the bulkhead. O'BRIEN Julian! BASHIR Leave me alone -- O'BRIEN Listen to me -- he's trying to keep us here. He wants us to die with him. And if we die -- Odo dies too! Bashir looks over at Sloan, who can barely raise his head to look back at the doctor. SLOAN All my secrets are yours for the taking, doctor... if you want them badly enough. It's still a siren's song for Bashir. The ROOM SHAKES again. O'BRIEN Odo needs you, Julian. He's counting on you. Bashir looks at the last PADD he grabbed, then over to Sloan and lets the PADD fall from his hand. SLOAN You're making a terrible mistake, doctor... BASHIR I don't think so. And as the room SHAKES again, Bashir closes his eyes and presses his fingers against his temples... WHITE OUT: