32:[1,#b],67:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Extreme Measures" - REV. 04/05/99 - ACT FOUR 43. 36 CONTINUED: BASHIR Miles... what's that? O'BRIEN My God, it's the tunnel! BASHIR What tunnel? O'BRIEN You know the tunnel -- to the Great Beyond! BASHIR You're right. I must say I'm a bit disappointed... I was hoping for something a little more... elaborate. A beat, then O'Brien decides to fight on. O'BRIEN No. No. Come on Julian, we can't let it end like this sitting here, accepting death. On your feet, man! He pulls Bashir to his feet and the two men stand there unsteadily for a beat as the WHITE LIGHT gets BRIGHTER. O'BRIEN Let's check one more door. BASHIR What's the point? O'BRIEN The point is to die like men -- like Travis and Crockett. Doing our duty right up until the end. That gets Bashir, he manages a smile. BASHIR Like Travis and Crockett... O'Brien turns and looks at the next door. O'BRIEN One more door... They limp painfully down the Corridor and are about to finally open that door when --