DEEP SPACE NINE: "Extreme Measures" - REV. 04/05/99 - ACT THREE 33. 25 CONTINUED: Sloan is clearly filled with genuine emotion and there are times in his speech when he has to stop and regain his composure. SLOAN As I stand here, reunited with my friends and family for one last time... I want you -- the people I love -- to know just how sorry I am for all the pain I've caused you. I dedicated my life to the preservation and protection of the Federation. This duty, which I carried out to the best of my ability, took precedence over everything else... my parents, my wife, my children... (a beat) I lived in a world of secrets. Of sabotage and deceit. I spent so much time erasing my movements, covering my tracks... and now that I look back at my life, I find... nothing. It's as if I never really existed. I cheated you all out of being in my life. And what's more, I cheated myself as well. (a beat) I know a simple apology won't change that. Still, I feel the need to apologize anyway. Sloan looks around at the tear-stricken crowd. SLOAN No tears, please. My death isn't a tragedy, it's a celebration. In death, I can finally step out of the shadows and prove to myself that I existed. That I lived. 26 THE CROWD bursts into APPLAUSE. An attractive woman steps out of the group -- 27 JESSICA SLOAN hurries over to Sloan.