DEEP SPACE NINE: "Extreme Measures" - REV. 04/05/99 - ACT THREE 32. 23 INT. ANOTHER SECTION OF CORRIDOR As Sloan leads them toward the wardroom, he notices that O'Brien and Bashir remain tense and alert. SLOAN Relax, doctor. I'm the one dying, not you. O'BRIEN Why Deep Space Nine? SLOAN Excuse me? O'BRIEN I'm just wondering why the inside of your head looks like our space station? SLOAN I wanted to make you feel at home. Comfortable. BASHIR Why? SLOAN I thought it was the decent thing to do. They arrive at the door, which OPENS TO REVEAL -- 24 INT. WARDROOM Where a lively party is in progress. The PARTYGOERS are all humans, dressed in civilian clothes. Everyone stops and smiles at the newcomers. 25 ANGLE ON SLOAN as he leads Bashir and O'Brien into the room, then turns to address the crowd. SLOAN Everyone... if I can have your attention, please. (re: Bashir and O'Brien) Now that we're all here... I hope you'll forgive me if I take a moment to say a few words.