31:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Extreme Measures" - REV. 04/05/99 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: ODO Thank you. I want to see Kira now. BASHIR Let me emphasize again, that I have not given up hope and it's very important that you not give up either. ODO Understood. Now, let me see Kira. Bashir goes to the door and steps outside. There's a beat, then KIRA ENTERS. She goes to Odo and takes his hand without hesitation, unconcerned by his horrific appearance. KIRA How do you feel? ODO Better. (re: bed) This... contraption of Julian's seems to alleviate the pain. KIRA Good. ODO You should be going soon. KIRA I'm not going anywhere. Garak and Damar can lead the rebellion without me. ODO Damar needs someone who's actually fought with a resistance movement. That's you, not Garak. KIRA I'm not leaving until I know you're going to be -- ODO I want you to leave. That stings and it shows. KIRA Why?