DEEP SPACE NINE: "When it Rains... " - REV. 03/02/99 - ACT THREE 32. 30 CONTINUED: (2) HILLIARD Commander Hilliard, here. Bashir tries to take charge of the situation -- BASHIR Yes, commander. I was hoping you could sort out this situation for me. I realize that the files I requested are classified, but considering the circumstances, I trust you can appreciate the need for expediency. HILLIARD Of course. Bashir breathes a sigh of relief over Hilliard's helpful demeanor. HILLIARD You wouldn't mind answering a few questions? BASHIR If that's necessary. Hilliard picks up a PADD and studies it. HILLIARD You've requested Security Chief Odo's medical records from Stardate... ? (scanning PADD) BASHIR Four-nine-four-one-nine.