37:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "When it Rains... " - REV. 03/02/99 - TEASER 4. 2 CONTINUED: (3) SISKO (Cont'd) If the rebels can show them that they have a chance of succeeding, their support will grow. ROMULAN Does the rebellion have a chance of succeeding? SISKO Yes, but they need to adjust their tactics -- concentrate on small-scale hit-and-run attacks, sabotaging key facilities... ROSS Damar's a by-the-book soldier. Does he have any experience waging that kind of campaign? SISKO No, he doesn't. That's why we need to send him someone who does... CUT TO: 3 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE where Sisko is talking to an incredulous KIRA. KIRA You want me to go behind enemy lines and teach a bunch of Cardassians how to be resistance fighters? SISKO I'm aware of the irony. But the tactics you used to drive the Cardassians off Bajor are exactly what this situation calls for.