DEEP SPACE NINE: "Penumbra" - REV. 01/19/99 - ACT ONE 13. 10 CONTINUED: (2) Damar knocks back a shot. DAMAR What does she do in her quarters all day? She didn't look well the last time I saw her. (carefully) I hope she's not ill. WEYOUN (don't be ridiculous) How could a god be ill? DAMAR Maybe she's not a god. Weyoun shoots him a look. WEYOUN Whether you believe the Founders are gods or not is irrelevant. All they require from you is obedience. Damar steams, but says nothing. WEYOUN Now. The Founder wants a subspace com-link installed in her quarters. DAMAR I'll see to it. WEYOUN A secure channel -- separately encoded and isolated from the main communications array. DAMAR Why all the secrecy? Who's she going to be talking to? Weyoun has no idea, but he's not about to admit it. WEYOUN That doesn't concern you... And with that, he EXITS.