12:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Chimera" - REV. 12/16/98 - ACT FIVE 42. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 47 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE Sisko, Odo, and Worf are reacting to Kira's news. SISKO Escaped? How did he get through the containment field? KIRA I can't explain it, all I can tell you is what I saw. He turned himself into some kind of... plasma energy and forced his way through. ("kicking herself") Before I could stop him, he disappeared into an air vent. Odo has to fight to keep from showing that he's privately pleased about the changeling's escape. WORF According to the operations log, one of the airlocks was activated shortly after that. SISKO If he left the station, why didn't our sensors detect him? WORF A Corvallen Freighter was leaving at about the same time. He must have shadowed it to keep from being spotted. KIRA He could be anywhere by now. Sisko takes this in with a grim nod. SISKO General Martok's not going to be happy about this... WORF By fleeing, the changeling has demonstrated his guilt.