DEEP SPACE NINE: "Chimera" - REV. 12/16/98 - ACT FOUR 36. 41 CONTINUED: (3) They both know why, because Odo's a changeling. But the official legal reason is this: SISKO Because you're a witness to the alleged crime. ODO (sardonic) That's a relief. For a moment I thought you were going to say it's because I'm a changeling. And with that, he turns and EXITS. Off Sisko and Worf as they watch him go... 41A INT. PROMENADE/SECURITY OFFICE Odo is heading for his office when Quark calls out to him. QUARK Odo. (approaching) I heard about your friend. Rumor has it the Klingons want to put him on trial. ODO (heading inside) They're the ones who should be on trial. If they'd attacked anyone other than a changeling, they would be. Odo is expecting Quark to disagree with him, but instead -- QUARK You're probably right. Odo looks at him with surprise. QUARK That fog episode certainly didn't help matters. ODO He was only doing what comes naturally to us. QUARK You've never pulled a stunt like that.