DEEP SPACE NINE: "Chimera" - REV. 12/16/98 - ACT TWO 20B. 19 CONTINUED: (4) Odo decides to pull the plug on the evening before it gets any worse. ODO Well. Thank you, colonel. It's been interesting. We should be going now. If you'll excuse us, colonel, counselor, chief, doctor. (standing) I'm glad we came by. (turning to the door) Laas... With a last look our people's way, the Changeling heads for the door. Odo glances at Kira apologetically, then follows. 0'BRIEN (can't resist) Nice to see you again. And off our people as they exchange what-was-that-all- about looks... 20 INT. PROMENADE - SECOND LEVEL Odo is confronting the Changeling over what happened in Quark's.