DEEP SPACE NINE: "Chimera" - REV. 12/16/98 - ACT ONE 10. 10 CONTINUED: CHANGELING Have they? (beat) Is that why you've stayed? Odo isn't sure what he means. ODO I told you, I want no part of the Founders. CHANGELING But what about the hundred that were sent out -- haven't you ever tried to find any of them? ODO No. The Changeling seems surprised to hear this. ODO It's a big galaxy. They could be anywhere. CHANGELING I found you. Odo finds himself feeling a bit defensive. ODO I have a life here, friends. The Changeling begins to realize something... CHANGELING When did you first take humanoid form? ODO A little over thirty years ago. CHANGELING So that's it. This is all still new to you. I spent the first part of my life living among humanoids, as well. ODO How long ago was that?