35:[1,#b],102:[1,#b],195:[3,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Chimera" - REV. 12/16/98 - TEASER 4. 4 CONTINUED: A strange SOUND from behind them gets their attention. They exchange puzzled looks, move to investigate. Suddenly the SOUND again, from a different part of the runabout. It's almost like something is moving around behind the walls. The SOUND again, this time from near a VENT situated near the back of the compartment. They move to it cautiously. As they lean close to listen, a mass of changeling PROTOPLASM suddenly SHOOTS from the vent. 5 ODO AND O'BRIEN as they jump back, turn to look behind them. ODO A changeling. 6 THE CHANGELING (OPTICAL) as it MORPHS into humanoid form. Although its face is similar to Odo's in that its features are smooth and somewhat ill-defined, it's modeled on a humanoid species we've never seen before. It's definitely male, and we get the sense that he's a bit more adept at mimicking faces than Odo, as his features are more expressive. He wears alien-looking CLOTHES that are more practical than decorative. O'Brien trains his weapon on him, but the changeling's attention is fixed on Odo alone. Off this moment, we... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER