DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - TEASER 4. 1 CONTINUED: (3) BASHIR Terrific. (to Ilario) Now anything else you need... O'BRIEN ... you just let us know. And with that, O'Brien and Bashir EXIT up the stairs to the holosuites. 2 ANGLE ON KIRA, EZRI AND ILARIO watching them leave. ILARIO Have you ever gone to the holosuite with them? KIRA Me? Never. EZRI (agreeing with Kira) I know when I'm not wanted. 3 INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR Ezri and Ilario are walking back to their quarters. Ilario has had too much to drink, but he's trying not to show it. ILARIO I never had real Saurian brandy before. It's Captain Sisko's favorite. EZRI Kinda sneaks up on you, doesn't it? They pass a doorway and suddenly Ilario stops. ILARIO Speaking of sneaking up on you... Ilario then takes two steps backward. ILARIO Here we are. Home sweet home. Ilario hits the doorpad. The door opens.