DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Emperor's... " - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT FIVE 55. 68 INT. KLINGON FLAGSHIP - BRIDGE as Worf and the Intendant watch the viewscreen. WORF They have no idea we're behind them... INTENDANT Nothing I enjoy more than a good ambush. WORF It's time... Worf and the Intendant keep their attention on the viewscreen. 69 INT. KLINGON HOLDING CELL As annoyed Garak glares at the three Ferengis. GARAK I don't understand... is this Garak of yours an assassin or a tailor? Simultaneously: QUARK Assassin. ROM Tailor. ZEK Both. GARAK Nevermind. I have to get back to the bridge. Garak raises the hypo-spray. GARAK (looking them over) Now, who's first? 70 INT. KLINGON FLAGSHIP - BRIDGE CLOSE ON Worf.