DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Emperor's... " - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT FOUR 46. 55 CONTINUED: EZRI I'll get him. 56 INT. KLINGON HOLDING CELL (OPTICAL) CLOSE ON Rom. ROM Getting the cloaking device on-line? That's simple. ADJUST to reveal Quark, Zek and Maihar'du in the cell. Ezri stands on the other side of the FORCEFIELD. EZRI Good. (to a Klingon guard) Lower the forcefield. But before the Klingon can obey the order -- QUARK Hold on a second. (to Ezri) Why should we help the Regent -- or you for that matter? EZRI I'm trying to save your lives. ZEK That's a very worthy goal. QUARK Since when do you care about what happens to us? EZRI (not about to answer that) All right, forget it. Ezri turns to leave -- ROM (coming to a decision) I don't want to forget it. Ezri turns back. ROM (to Quark) I'm sorry, brother.