DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Emperor's... " - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT FOUR 45 54 CONTINUED: And with that, Ezri walks out. We hold on the Intendant watching her leave. She smiles and turns her attention to Brunt's dead body. INTENDANT She's not afraid of anything, is she? Not even me. (a beat) I find that very exciting. Don't you? 55 INT. KLINGON FLAGSHIP - BRIDGE Garak is supervising a pair of Klingons working on an open panel. Ezri stands nearby, watching them work. The Regent sits in the Captain's Chair as a HELMSMAN reacts to something off his console. HELMSMAN Regent, long-range sensors have detected an enemy ship. (a beat) It's the Defiant. WORF Excellent. (to Garak) It's time to test the cloaking device. GARAK I'm afraid it's not operational yet. WORF (anger flaring) And why is that? GARAK It's a very complicated piece of equipment. EZRI One of the Ferengi seemed to know how it worked. WORF (an order) Then why isn't he here? Ezri's halfway out the door already.